Just league #1

All Players must run Easy Anticheat for the duration of the matches

Teams must show up 20 mins before game start.

Two bo1 matches in one day.

If the times for matches don't suit, contact an admin and the other team. If there are any confusions still, you can e-mail us or DM us on Twitter.

If a team doesn't show up to a game without a reschedule, it will be considered a 16-0 forfeit

All games must have POV demos recorded. If a POV demo is requested and can't be provided, the match will automatically be considered a forfeit.

Games will be played in a best of 1 series with overtime enabled.

3 Points will be given for a win and -1for a loss.

A tiebreaker will be decided by overall match score.

If there is still a tiebreaker, a game will be played to decide the winner.

A max of 2 Stand ins are allowed and they must be in the same steam group as your team.

There can be no more than 2 roster changes during the season. You must contact us via e-mail or DM us on Twitter to inform us of roster changes at least 24 hours before your next match. If 3 players move to a different team, that team will automatically be given their spot and current stats.

If a player is banned for cheating during the season, their team is disqualified.

All matches played against a disqualified team will count as the disqualified team forfeiting.

Some matches may be streamed to our Twitch channel, we will have a 120 second delay running, any player streaming the league is also required to have a 120 second delay.

Any player/team caught stream sniping will result in their team being disqualified.
eSports League S1
Europe/Estonia (UTC +3)