Fortnite 1v1 OQ [PS4]

Fortnite 1v1 Arena League OQ

Playstation 4
By World eSports Arena
1. Matchmaking Region
a. The matchmaking region of every player has to be set to the respective pool [MATCH] Region.
2. Game Session Setup
a. The captain of the hosting team will host a public SQUAD game session. The hosting player will then invite his teammate and their opponents to the game session and start matchmaking.
3. How To Win
a. The team with the most kills at the end of the game session will be awarded the win. If there is a tie in kills, we will use “life duration” time to determine a tie breaker.

1. Teams will party up as a DUO with your opponents.
a. The teams that have queued up together are NOT ALLOWED to contribute/cause the death of the player(s) they're competing against within that game.
2. Players caught doing so will be forfeited from their match.
3. Examples of sabotage include but are not limited to:
a. Breaking or weakening opponent's built or non built structures or cover by any means.
b. Causing opponents to miss shots or miss opportunities for advancing their scores in any way shape or form.
c. Building in front of your opponent.
d. Boogie Bombing your opponent. The use of a boogie bomb on your opponent at any point in the game are subject to disqualifications.
e. Any claims of this happening must be submitted in video form. We will not accept screenshots in this case.
4. Match Delay
a. Matches must be played in their entirety unless both teams agree to delay the match. The match must still be completed before the start time & date of the next tournament round, as listed under the Tournament Schedule.
b. Failure to complete a match before the start time & date of the next tournament round may result in one or both teams forfeiting the match and removed from the tournament.
c. Teams may not delay the match for more than ten (10) minutes between each map. If a team delays the start for longer than ten (10) minutes between maps, they will forfeit that map.
d. Teams that delay a match for more than twenty (20) minutes will forfeit the whole match.
e. The team that did not delay must provide video proof showing that this ten (10) or twenty (20) minute delay did occur.
5. Hosting
1. The higher seeded team is responsible for setting up the game and inviting the other team. A team's seed is indicated by the number next to their team name on the tournament bracket. The highest seed is defined as the team with the seed closest to 0.
6. No Shows
a. A team has fifteen (15) minutes to show-up and be ready to start the match. Failure to do so will result in a forfeit.
b. To report a no show, please annotate this action along with time stamp in the public notes of the match.
c. No Show Proof
a. If you have a no show issue, you must provide video evidence that you have invited all members of the opposing team to play prior to the fifteen (15) minute no show deadline.

1. Reporting
a. Match/Game Result
1. Host Teams are responsible for reporting the result of a match. This can be done by clicking on the match page and inserting the correct information and ensuring you click win or loss.
2. Tournament brackets will be updated automatically once both teams have reported the match.
3. In the instance that you request staff to input the scores you must email the evidence to confirm results and then be inputted. This is done as a last result and courtesy; abuse of this will result in tournament expulsion.
2. Evidence Policy
a. We strongly recommend that you obtain photo and/or video evidence showing the outcome of every match. Streamed games is fine as you can just send the full game URL.
b. All conversations between users are not considered evidence. This includes, but is not limited to:
1. Emails
2. Private Messages
3. PSN Messages
4. XBL Messages
5. Skype Messages
6. Tweets
7. Direct Messages
3. Evidence Requirements
a. When asked to provide evidence for the outcome of a match, all video and photographic evidence must clearly show the match score, time, players in the lobby and, if necessary, evidence of the rule violation of the opposing player.
b. Evidence that does not meet the above criteria will not be considered.
4. Submitting Evidence
a. All video evidence should be emailed. The URL link to the individual evidence must be sent to an admin, along with a brief description of what the evidence shows.
b. Evidence that has been faked or tampered with in any way will not be accepted as valid. Anyone found to be providing fake proof will be permanently banned from competing on the website.