Ballistix Masters BF4 - LEG 1

Von Ballistix Masters
South Africa Only
RULE UPDATE 17/01/2018

Server rule – Both teams need to agree in chat that they are happy with the server before defibs take place. The following reasons are acceptable to request a server change (please note that when you request a server change, you should have an alternative server available that meets the tournament requirements)
You may request a server change if one of the following issues occurs on the current server:
i: Both teams are suffering lag spikes / Packetloss
ii: The server is 30hz and not 60hz
iii: Both teams have players suffering from high ping (if an individual is suffering from packetloss or high ping, this is their ISP and not the server)

Please view the weapons list as 2 new weapons have been added (CZ805 and SG553)

You may not kill an enemy player IN SPAWN during WARM UP


Table of Contents:
1 – Format
2 – Recordings & Screenshots
3 – Results
4 – Disconnections
5 – Fair Play Rule
6 – Mappool
7 – Map Restrictions
8 – Bug Use
9 – Vehicles
10 – Warm-up / Pre-Game
11 – Perks/Unlock/Gadgets/Weapon Restrictions
12 – Overtime
13 – Server Settings
14 – Casting/Streams/Admins

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