The Friendly League

The Friendly League

Von TFL Inc.
Online, Europe

All rules need to be followed, exceptions can be made, but only by the Administrators of the League. All of the following rules need to be followed when you’re using any of our services.

We can change the rules whenever we want without noticing. You may suggest rule changes to any of our Administrators.

Our Discord is mainly used to communicate with the participating teams, so all (important) information will be given via it. Please use all of the channels correctly and keep it friendly (no swearing/profanity/harassment/racism etc.)!

Might there be any reason your team can’t play (can be personal reasons) please contact one of the Administrators Privately.
Game Rules

These’re the generic game rules, these need to be followed when playing any game under The Friendly League organization.

3.1 Cheating/Exploits/Bugs
Cheating in any way or form is not allowed, this also includes misusing any bugs and/or exploits. We (The Friendly League) have all the rights to remove your team from our league without any notice.

A bug/exploit is considered anything that isn’t supposed to be in CS:GO, this also includes the popular jump bug.

3.2 Allowed Level(s)
If there’re enough teams we do not mind your teams level. All teams that have been signed up will be set in the correct level group. These groups will be listed later.

3.3 Chatting In Game
We do allow chatting in game, but only if needed. Examples that are allowed are: “GL, HF, GG, Pause, Stop, Start, etc.”, this means that we don’t allow players to speak to the other team casually.

3.4 Bans and Warnings
We also have a Ban and Warning system in place to punish members/teams that are not following our rules correctly. Here is how they work.

3.4.1 Individual Bans and Warnings
An individual can get up to 3 warnings, when (s)he is has 3+ warnings these’re the consequences.

3 Warnings is a ban, you will not be able to play in the current TFL season and your team will have 1-10 matches forfeit (depends on the situation)).

2 Bans (6 total warnings), will give you a lifetime ban from TFL.

3.4.2 Team Bans and Warnings
3 Warnings is a 2 season long ban from TFL.
2 Bans (6 total warnings), your team will get a lifetime ban from TFL.

3.5 Smurfing
‘Smurfing’ (someone who is playing in a lower level than (s)he normally plays in) is not allowed, might we find someone who is smurfing, these’re the consequences.

3.5.1 1 Player Smurfing
Admitted smurfs will get a Season ban.
Not admitted smurfs will get a lifetime ban.

3.5.2 2+ Player Smurfing
The whole team will get a Season ban.

We really appreciate all of the teams that want to play in The Friendly League, but there are of course rules regarding players and their teams.

4.1 Back-ups
It could happen that one of your players can’t play, this is with no means a problem. Just use one of your back-up players! Don’t forget that the back-up player will need to be as close to the group level you’re playing in! Do note that a team can only have 1 back-up player playing per match.

4.2 Date and Time
The date and time of your match will be set by the team captains, and only the team captains. The chosen date will be given to any Administrators, and (s)he will give the date to all needed Staff of The Friendly League for clear communication.

4.3 4 Player Teams
Teams are allowed to play with 4 players if they can’t get/don’t have a back-up player. Do note that you can’t play with less than 4 players, you will be automatically forfeited and the opposing team would win.

4.4 Forfeit
Teams are allowed to forfeit their match under any circumstance, the team that forfeited will automatically lose and the opposing team would win. When not following one of the (above) mentioned rules, the Administrators of The Friendly League can automatically forfeit your team without any problems.

Both teams have a 10 minute extension on the original joining time, might this be longer the team that wasn’t ready will be automatically forfeited and the win will go to the opposite team.