Really Bad Gamers SW Cup

Really Bad Gamers SW Cup

PC, Playstation 4, Playstation 5, Xbox One, Xbox Series, Handy, Switch
1.1 The tournament is open to all Fortnite players who comply with the game's terms of service and are in good standing with Epic Games.

Tournament Structure:
2.1 The tournament will be based on the total number of eliminations achieved by each player.
2.2 There will be no prize for the winner of the tournament.

Fair Play:
3.1 Players are strictly prohibited from viewing the tournament's live stream during their gameplay to gain any advantage.
3.2 Players may not gather information or intel about other players' strategies from any external sources, including but not limited to, other players or individuals watching the stream.
3.3 Any attempts to manipulate or exploit the game's mechanics for an unfair advantage will result in disqualification.

Compliance with Fortnite and Epic Games Terms:
4.1 Players must adhere to all terms and conditions set forth by Fortnite and Epic Games.
4.2 Any violation of Fortnite or Epic Games terms will result in immediate disqualification from the tournament.

Code of Conduct:
5.1 Players are expected to uphold a high standard of sportsmanship and fair play.
5.2 Unsportsmanlike behavior, harassment, or any form of cheating will not be tolerated and may result in disqualification.

Disputes and Decisions:
6.1 All decisions made by the tournament organizers are final and binding.
6.2 Any disputes must be reported to the organizers promptly, and they will be handled in a fair and transparent manner.

By participating in this tournament, players acknowledge and agree to abide by these rules. Failure to comply with any of the rules may result in disqualification from the tournament. The tournament is not endorsed by Epic Games, and participants should ensure they adhere to the terms and conditions set forth by Fortnite and Epic Games.