BA Tak Open 2017 - Blitz 5x4

BA Tak Open 2017 - Blitz 5x4

Andere Plattform
Von baweaver
Each match shall consist of 4 games, played on a 5x5 board with time controls of 5 minutes and no increment.

4x5s @ 5m+0

The rules are different than typical tournaments and should be noted:

Road win: 5pt
Flat win: Up to 5pt

Bonus point finishes:

These points are in addition to a road win.

+5 - Merk: No capstone is played by the victor
+2 - Dragon: Victor completes their road and an opponents road to win
+2 - Trifoil: Victor completes a road which connects all four edges of the board
+1 - Low road: Victors road is comprised of 1 high stack pieces / capstone
+1 - High road: Victors road is comprised of 2+ stack high pieces / capstone

Ties are allowed