League of Legends Community Clash

Registration Period

Start: 26/01/2023 @ 17:00 CET

End: 02/02/2023 @ 16:45 CET

Check In

Start: 02/02/2023 @ 17:00 CET

End: 02/02/2023 @ 18:15 CET

Round management

All teammates and enemies of each match are required to be friends on Steam.

One team captain must create the server for each match.

At the end of the game click "SUBMIT" on Ultra Arena to add the total score and winner for all the games played in this round (ie. if two matches 1 - 0 / 1 - 0 -> score is 2 - 0)

Upload in game screenshot to prove your score

In case of dispute, please report it and upload the proof so that the admin of the tournament can review it and act accordingly

Game Specifications

Single Elimination


Best of 3 Matches // First to 9 rounds per match

Maps: Ancient, Dust2, Inferno, Mirage, Nuke, Overpass, Vertigo (Determined by veto)

Map Veto Process

One captian from each match must enter this


Select best of 3

Once the lobby is created the captian can send the enemy captain their voting link

Each captain will now be required to enter their team name and can hit "Start Banning"

Voting process will commence, this will determine the Maps, and sides each team will play