Alex Pararols caballero
Rony 2014
Alex Pararols caballero
Rony 2014

Spieler im Match

Alex Pararols caballero

Full Name: Alex Pararols caballero
Nickname: wolfkoba47
PSN ID: wolfkoba47
Favorite character: Lee
Country: Spanien
Twitch: entfällt
The registration will be confirmed when you send us a proof of purchase of your tickets for Friday and Saturday for Barcelona Games World 2017.: 1

Rony 2014

Full Name: Daniel Villalba
Nickname: Rony 2014
PSN ID: Rony_2014
Favorite character: Bryan
Country: Spanien
The registration will be confirmed when you send us a proof of purchase of your tickets for Friday and Saturday for Barcelona Games World 2017.: 1