Red Bull M.E.O Season 5

Red Bull M.E.O | Season 5 | MEA Regional Finals

Up to 20 Teams in one single lobby , total of 6 matches would be played in one single round on the following maps :

Match 1 Erangel
Match 2 Sanhok
Match 3 Miramar
Match 4 Erangel
Match 5 Sanhok
Match 6 Miramar

Teams receive points based on their finish and the number of kills achieved in each match

1 = 20
2 = 14
3 = 10
4 = 8
5 = 7
6 = 6
7 = 5
8 = 4
9 = 3
10 = 2
11 = 1
12 = 1
13 = 0
14 = 0
15 = 0
16 = 0
17= 0
18= 0
Kill points = 1

Matches would be on 5 February 2023
Tournament Check-in Starts on 5, February ,2023 12:30PM CET TIME / 14:30PM KSA TIME
Check-in Would be on tournament website ( make sure that team captain can only do check-in )
Make Sure to keep updated on chat lobby you will find ROOM ID AND PASSWORD there !
U can check this tutorial about tournament check-in and ROOM ID/PASSWORD :


Red Bull will offer the following rewards in accordance with the final ranking the Regional Finals:

#1st Team: Three Thousand Euros (3,000€)

#2nd Team: Two Thousand Euros (2,000€)

#3rd Team: One Thousand Five Hundred Euros (1,500€)

#4th Team: One Thousand Euros (1,000€) #5th Team: Seven Hundred Euros (750€)

#6th Team: Seven Hundred Euros (750€) #7th Team: Five Hundred Euros (500€)

#8th Team: Five Hundred Euros (500€)

Red Bull will contact the teams that earned a prize money to set the payment. Prizes will be paid no later than six months after receipt of the payment of the prize.