Overwatch League 2021

Overwatch League 2021

Von Blizzard Entertainment
Online, World
Regular Season: April 16th - August 22nd, 2021

Teams are split into the East and the West region.
Four tournaments with three weeks of qualifiers each.
Teams earn one League Point per win.
Teams are seeded into the tournaments according to the League Points in qualifying matches.
If possible, the top two teams of both regions will meet at the end of the tournaments.
Top three tournament placements earn additional League Points.
All League Points count towards the Regular Season standings.
All matches are First to three.
Teams are ranked by League Points first and then by non-tournament wins.
Top three (3) teams from the West region and top two (2) teams from the East region proceed to the Playoffs.
West Region 4th - 9th and East Region 3rd - 5th may qualify for Playoffs via regional Play-Ins

Play-Ins: September 4th - 5th, 2021

Teams are split into the East and the West region.
West Region 4th - 9th and East Region 3rd - 5th qualify for Play-Ins
No Hero Pools.
Single-elimination bracket
Top two (2) teams from the West region and the top team (1) from the East region proceed to the Playoffs.

Playoffs: September 16th - 25th, 2021

Double-Elimination bracket with eight teams.
No Hero Pools.