Scrub KillRace Rematch Edition

PC, Playstation 4, Xbox One, Switch
Von Scrub Tourneys
-Ages 13 & Up!
-Cheating will not be tolerated
-no smurf accounts (acct level 40 and up; None below)
-if you win and you are out of country then you may need to pay for shipping of the hoodie.
-We would prefer at least one person from each team to stream (we will be stopping by to check everything out)
-Each match turned in will have to be streamed and the streamed saved to Twitch or wherever you stream at so we can see for later purposes! If it is not saved it will not count! Also if the match is not streamed it will not count!
-No late Screenshot turn in! We will not be accepting screenshots after 11:20!
You can accept a game at 10:59 but no later!
-Any screenshots without the Killrace word given before it starts will not be counted!