ESWC Johannesburg Qualifiers

Von Orena
RUSH EXPO, Sandton Convention Centre
Recommended Player settings:
cl_interp 0
cl_interp_ratio 1
rate 128000
cl_cmdrate 128
cl_updaterate 128
cl_allowdownload 1
cl_downloadfilter 0

Server settings:
All matches will be played on servers supplied by Orena. If Orena does not indicate that servers have been supplied for a specific event then teams will be obligated to organise their own. If teams prefer to play on a privately selected servers, proof of both team captains agreeing to the decision must be presented to an Orena admin or emailed to [email protected] before the match takes place.
The following game settings will be used:

mp_startmoney 800
mp_roundtime 1.92
mp_roundtime_defuse 1.92
mp_freezetime 15
mp_maxrounds 30
mp_c4timer 45
sv_pausable 1
ammo_grenade_limit_default 1
ammo_grenade_limit_flashbang 2
ammo_grenade_limit_total 4

Settings for Overtime:

mp_maxrounds 6
mp_startmoney 16000

Section 9, Map list:
The following maps are used for this tournament:

• Inferno
• Nuke
• Mirage
• Cache
• Cobblestone
• Train
• Overpass

Map Selection:
Map choice for a Best of 1 Match:

For a Best of 1 match the map choice must respect the following procedure:

a) Team B removes one of the 7 maps.
b) Team A removes one of the 6 remaining maps.
c) Team B removes one of the 5 remaining maps.
d) Team A removes one of the 4 remaining maps.
e) Team B removes one of the 3 remaining maps.
f) Team A picks the map to be played out of the 2 remaining maps.
g) The last map will be discarded.

Team A is the winner of a knife round on dust 2. The match is played on the map which is picked by Team A. The sides are chosen via a knife round on the 1st Map.

For a Best of Three match the map choice must respect the following procedure:

a) Team A removes one of the 7 maps
b) Team B removes one of the 6 remaining maps
c) Team A removes one of the 5 remaining maps
d) Team B removes one of the 4 remaining maps
e) Team A picks one of the 3 remaining maps, will be played as 1st map
f) Team B picks one of the 2 remaining maps, will be played as 2nd map
g) The last map will be, if needed, played as 3rd map

Team A is the winner of a Knife Round on Dust 2. The match starts on the map which is picked by Team A. The sides for the 1st map are chosen via a knife round on the 1st map. From then on, the loser of each map chooses which side to begin on, on the following map. The last map will only be played if both teams win one map during the match. For overtime you do not switch sides at the end of a match.

For a Best of Five match the map choice must respect the following procedure:

a) Team A removes one of the 7 maps
b) Team B removes one of the 6 remaining maps
c) Team A picks one of the 5 remaining maps, will be played as 1st map
d) Team B picks one of the 4 remaining maps, will be played as 2nd map
e) Team A picks one of the 3 remaining maps, will be played as 3rd map
f) Team B picks one of the 2 remaining maps, will be played as 4th map
g) The last map will be, if needed, played as 5th map

Team A is the winner of a Knife Round on Dust 2. The match starts on the map which is picked by Team A. The sides for the 1st map are chosen via a knife round on the 1st map. From then on, the loser of each map chooses which side to begin on, on the following map. The last map will only be played if both teams win one map during the match. For overtime you do not switch sides at the end of a match.

• The tournament officials must be referred to before any substitution takes place.
• Teams are allowed 1 substitution per game. (Game = All 3 Maps)
• The substitute must not be registered with another team that has competed or is competing in the tournament.
• Teams must register with required subtitutes prior to start of tournaments. No roster changes will be allowed.

Roster Locks:
• Teams must register with the required players prior to start of tournaments or ladders. No roster changes will be allowed mid tournament or ladder season.
• Seasonal transfer periods will be announced for teams to make roster changes.

Match Media:
Players are obliged to record their in-game demo and take a screenshot of the beginning and end-game scoreboards.

Match interrupted:
If a match is involuntarily interrupted (player crash, server crash, network cuts ...) the tournament officials may decide to replay the match according to the following rules:

• Teams have a 15 minute grace period to join the server/lobby from the schedule match time. The team that does not have their full squad on the server after the 15 minute grace period has commenced will have to be forfeited.

• Each team has a maximum of 15 minutes of total "in-game pause" time to deal with technical issues.

• If a problem takes place before the first kill in the first round, the whole half-time will be replayed.

• If a problem takes place during the round and the outcome of the round can’t be determined or guessed, the round is not taken into account, the half-time will be continued with the number of remaining rounds and the scores of the interrupted half-time will be added to the new half-time.

Start money will be set in order to compensate the player(s).

• If the problem took place after the end of the first round, the half-time will be continued with the Number of remaining rounds and the scores of the interrupted half-time will be added to the new half-time. Start money will be set in order to compensate the player(s).

• If start money is applied and a single player is dropped, the demo is primarily used to determine the amount.

• If multiple players dropped, team captain negotiations are primarily used to determine the amount.

A team may “pause” the game at the end of current round or during freeze time to allow the player to come back. A team can’t “pause” the game during the current round unless it has been expressly authorized by the tournament officials or a proven agreement between both captains can be presented to admins.

Score validation:
For a match both team captains have to report the match score to the tournament officials

Section 16, Forbidden software installation:
Players may not bring, install or use any external software or hardware that inter-acts in-game, any form of modification that would alter the game or allow a player to execute automatically more than one in-game action, or any configuration file, unless expressly authorized by a tournament official.

Forbidden in-game actions:
The following actions are strictly prohibited during a game and will result in round loss (the amount is determined by the tournament director) which will be deducted at the end of the match, and warning:

• using console is forbidden (except to record game).

• using pause during a round is forbidden (except for technical problems at the end of around or during freeze time.)

• Any form of script is forbidden.

• using bugs which change the game principle (i.e. spawn bugs) is illegal.

• moving through walls,floors and roofs is strictly forbidden. This also includes skywalking.

• "silentbombs" (i.e. the planting of a bomb which doesn't make a sound) are illegal.

• planting bombs so that they cannot be defused is illegal. This does not include plants where multiple players are needed to defuse.

• boosting with the help of team mates is allowed in general, but it is forbidden in places where the textures, walls, ceilings,floors become transparent or penetrable.

• “fireboost” (i.e firing below a player to push him) is strictly illegal.

• “flashbugs” are forbidden.

• throwing flash grenades under walls is not allowed, throwing grenades over walls or roofs is allowed.

• “mapswimming“ or “Floating“ is illegal.

• “pixelwalking“ is illegal (Sitting or standing on invisible map edges)

• using 16bit graphics.

• Binding “+duck“ to the mouse wheel is forbidden.

• Any custom (game) files.


A team may be cautioned and receive awarning if one of his players commits any of the following offences:

• Refuses to follow tournament officials’ instructions.

• Arrives late at his convocation schedule.

• Shows dissent by word or action.

• Uses insulting language and/or gestures.

• Is guilty of unsporting behaviour.

A team may receive a sanction if one of his players commits anyof the following offences:

• receives more than one warning

• uses any unlawful or unfair proceedings

• mislead or dupe any tournament official