PvP League Season 3 Finals

PvP League Season 3 Finals

Von ED PvP League
PvP League Rules (Current to 5.2 Vote)**

This will be the baseline template for Qualifiers.


- Only 1 G1 mod allowed per ship
- Weapon, if chosen as the module to mod, must be Sturdy or Lightweight.
- Each Special Effect can only be chosen/ used once per team

**Banned and/or Regulated:**

- Powerplay modules (ie Packhounds, Prismatics etc) are banned
- Heat Cannons are banned
- Regeneration Sequence is banned
- Two seeker racks allowed *per wing*
- SLF Pilot rank must be Expert or lower
- Weapon color VFX alterations must be turned off
- *No synthesis of any kind, even basic, may be used.*

Ships Allowed:

4v4 is standard. If both teams can field 6v6 they can mutually chose to do so. If you fail to field a wing at the scheduled time you lose.

4v4 Composition:

2 Medium, 2 Small. All ships in wing must be different ship type/ can't be repeated. So you can't have FDL, FDL, Courier, Courier. But FDL, FAS, Courier, Vulture would be fine.

6v6 Composition:

1 Large, 2 Medium, 3 Small

Clipper counts as medium.
Asp Scout counts as small.
Small Ships may use Enhanced Drives.

Tournament Organization and Additional Info

- Finals run off Round Robin structure.
- Fights will be best of 3.
- All matches will be fought in asteroids or ice rings in V886 Centauri. Park your league designed ships there.
- All players must record their fights per #rules_check_vids guidelines on discord. Failure to do so may result in DQ.