DTB - Month Combat #2

DTB - Month Combat #2

Online, Europe
1 - Tournament Admins :
* Nemesis

1- In Game
1.1)Nicknames :
All players must display their team tags.
NO unnecessary symbols or offensive language.

1.2)Match Media :
-Players are required to record their in-game demo.
-Players are required to save demos for up to 7 days after the game and should be made easily available for tournament officials.
-You can demand a maximum of two demos from your opponents, and you have to notify one of the admins that you have requested; you have 15 minutes to start uploading it to any file hosting site.
-Any requested demos must also be sent to one or more of the admins.

1.3)Match interruptions
If a match is involuntarily interrupted (players’ PC crash, server crash, power outage, network issues, etc...) the tournament officials may decide to replay the match according to the following rules:
-If the problem occurs in the first round of either the first or second half, the half time in question will be replayed;
-If the problem occurs in any other round, the players need to pause that round and wait until the problem is solved or until the tournament officials tell them to continue the game;
-If multiple users are dropped or the server crashes, the team captains will try to settle upon a way to carry on with the match. If they are not able to do so, the tournament officials will decide for them and the teams must respect their decision.

1.4)Pausing a match
-In order to un-pause the match, only the players from the team that requested the pause may un-pause the game;
-If the opposite team un-pauses the game without approval, the team in question will receive a warning;
-A team can have a maximum of 2 pauses per map; each pause can last 5 minutes;
-A team is only allowed to pause the match during the freeze time. Note : If a pause is requested during a round, the pause will have effect in the freeze time of the round after;
-If a team pauses the game more than 2 times on a map or if the pausing time is greater than 5 minutes each, the team in question will receive a warning.

Teams will be given a warning for violating rules, getting more than 3 warnings will result in disqualification!

2- After the match
2.1)Investigation requests
When a team suspects they are being victim of rule violations during a match, players are compelled to not stop the game by any means and to properly finish it. Once the match is over, the team captain may officially ask for an investigation to tournament officials. It is strongly advised to provide valuable information that may help the tournament director in his investigation. (ex : screenshot and demo) Unjustified and repetitive use of this may be sanctioned.
5.2)You can request a conflict after the game but only five minutes after the game in question has ended.

2-Other rules and violations
2.1)Forbidden software
Players are forbidden from installing, downloading or using any external software or hardware that interacts in-game (apart from basic peripherals i.e. keyboard, mouse & headset). It is also forbidden any form of modification that would alter the game or allow a player to execute, automatically, more than one in-game action (Macros).

2.2)Forbidden in-game actions
The following actions are strictly prohibited during a game and will result in round loss (the amount is determined by the tournament director) which will be deducted at the end of the match, and a warning:
-Any form of script is forbidden;
-Using bugs which change the game principle (i.e. spawn bugs) is illegal;
-Moving through walls, floors and roofs is strictly forbidden. This also includes skywalking;
-"Silent bombs" (ie. planting a bomb without making a sound) are illegal;
Planting bombs so that they cannot be defused is illegal. This does not include plants where multiple players are needed to defuse;
Boosting with the help of teammates is allowed in general, but is forbidden in places where the textures, walls, ceilings and/or floors become transparent or penetrable.
2.3)Following commands are forbidden
* mat_hdr_enabled

2.4)Following start parameters are forbidden
+mat_hdr_enabled 0/1
+mat_hdr_level 0/1/2

-A team may be cautioned and receive warnings if one of his players commits any of the following offenses:
*Refuses to follow tournament officials' instructions
*Arrives late to a game.
*Shows dissent by word or action;
*Uses insulting language;
*Is guilty of unsporting behavior.
-A team may receive sanction if one of his players commits any of the following offences:
*Receives more than one warning;
*Uses any unlawful or unfair proceedings;
*Mislead or dupe any tournament officials;
-A team may lose a match or multiple matches if they find themselves in one of the following situations:
*If a team is not ready within 15 (fifteen) minutes after the official match should've begun, the team in question will forfeit the first match as follows:
/\If the match is in question is a single-game format then the team will forfeit the game;
/\If the match is in a best-of-three format then the team will forfeit the map in question;
*If a team is not ready within 30 (thirty) minutes after the official match should've begun, the team in question will forfeit the game.

2.6)Sent off
-Being disqualified means the player/team in question is eliminated from the tournament.
-Having one of the players in your team means that your entire team is automatically eliminated from the tournament.

NOTE: The above rules may be subject to change up until five minutes before the first match.
All teams participating in the tournament are assumed to have read these rules.

- 2 stand in accepted per match!
- Veto before starting the match 1 hour!