Online, Online
1. Each team can consist of 5 members and 1 substitute(optional)
2. Each team must commit to the time that has been set beforehand by the organizers. Teams who fail to show up 10 minutes after each round starts will result in immediate disqualification.
3. Organizers deserve the right to disqualify teams who fail to comply with the rules, such as misconduct, being toxic throughout the tournament, cheating and stream sniping.
4. No outsiders/referees allowed.(except organizers)
5. The team on the upper bracket will have the choice for which side they will be playing. They will also create the lobby.
6. The game will not pause if a player disconnects in the draft pick phase or in-game.
7. The game will not pause if a player fails to join the game due to internet connection problems.
8. Newly released heroes will be banned from the tournament. (Heroes after Paquito)
9. Organisers will create the lobby for FINALS.
10. Team names cannot contain vulgar words.
11. Emote and Recalls are allowed, but please keep the chat toxic-friendly.
12. There will be no refunds of registration fees after payment.

Please follow the rules above and we wish you the best of luck! Enjoy the tournament!