Dota University XvX

Dota University XvX

Von Dota University (Fafrd)
- Matches will be played on one of the two side lanes. Both teams will play in said lane.
- The two bounty runes and two neutral camps (one large camp and one small camp) nearest to the lane are in play. All other lanes, neutrals, and runes are off limits to both teams.
- Teams will decide which lane to play and on which side through the in-game /roll command. The team that wins the roll will be presented with two options. The team that lost the roll receives the option that the winning team does not pick. The two options are as follows:
1. You get to decide which lane you are on (top/bottom).
2. You get to decide which side you are on (safelane/offlane).

- There are two win conditions, if either is met, then that team will win. Conditions:
1. A team gets five kills. Denies are not considered kills.
2. A team takes the opposing tier 1 tower (in the lane they’re playing on).
The mode being used has no mechanism to detect that a team has won, therefore it is up to the players to understand this and disconnect after one of the two conditions are met.

- The tournament will be played using the ranked all pick format.
- On top of having the normal in-game ban system that ranked all pick uses, each player will get one guaranteed ban that will be agreed upon prior to the match starting. Players will tell whoever is hosting their lobby who they are deciding to ban, and the host will tell the opposing team that they cannot pick that hero. This does mean larger teams get more bans.