Lockdown Cup #6 – BOCW S&D

Von AREA52
Die Teilnahme am Turnier ist kostenfrei. Du musst 30 Minuten bevor das Event beginnt (ca. 19:00 - 20:00) anwesend sein. Der Turniermodus wird anhand der Teilnehmer angepasst. Teilnahmeberechtigt sind alle Personen die ihren Wohnsitz in Österreich haben.

Gespielt wird Best of 5 in Maps

Item Restrictions:
(None of these items can be used, doing so may result in potential forfeits)

•Tactical Rifles
o Type 63
o Stoner 63
o M60
o Hauer 77
o Gallo SA12
o Cigma 2
o RPG-7
o M79


Equipment & Field Upgrades:
o StimShot
o Decoy
o C4
o Molotov
•Field Upgrades:
o Proximity Mine
o Field Mic
o Sam Turret
o Jammer
o Gas Mine
Perks & Wildcards:
•Perk 1:
o Engineer
o Paranoia
o Forward Intel
•Perk 2:
o Tracker
o Quartermaster
•Perk 3:
o Ghost
o Spycraft
o Law Breaker
•Spy Plane
•Counter Spy Plane
•Care Package
•Sentry Turret
•Napalm Strike
•Air Patrol
•Attack Helicopter
•Chopper Gunner
•VTOL Escort

Map Mappool 1: (Search & Destroy):
•Search and Destroy - Armada
•Search and Destroy - Cartel
•Search and Destroy - Miami
•Search and Destroy - Moscow
•Search and Destroy - Garrison

Map Mappool 2: (Search & Destroy):
•Search and Destroy - Garrison
•Search and Destroy - Moscow
•Search and Destroy - Miami
•Search and Destroy - Cartel
•Search and Destroy - Armada