Earth Rumble VII

Earth Rumble VII Skud Pai Sho Tournament

Von Cannoli
Online, Earth Kingdom
1) Matches will be shown on the Toornament website bracket, and will be created at the start of each round.

2) Rounds will last 3 days each in both brackets. In the losers bracket, players can request to begin rounds early if they wish, allowing them to better keep up with the winners bracket.

3) In the event of a tie, if there is at least one full day remaining in the round, players may rematch if they wish. Otherwise, the total move numbers in previous games will serve as tiebreakers (the player with less total moves in the tournament will win).

4) Unfinished games due to inactivity will be decided by hosts at the end of the round. If only one player is inactive (defined by extensive stalling of gameplay and move making, be it accidental or purposeful), they will automatically forfeit the game. If both players are completely inactive, neither will advance, and the would be opponent of the next round will get a bye. MAKE SURE TO LEAVE AT LEAST A MESSAGE IN THE CHAT BOX IF YOU DO NOT WANT TO BE CONSIDERED COMPLETELY INACTIVE, ESPECIALLY AS GUEST.

5) The championships will not be based on the Grand Finals system of the last double elimination tournament. More information will be given to the finalists of the winners and losers brackets.

6) Sandboxing, while strongly discouraged, is still technically allowed.

7) Undos are allowed. Asking for and granting undos IS encouraged, though it is not technically required.

8) Cursing and foul language is discouraged, though it is okay if something slips through. Outright bullying and harassment, on the other hand, will lead to immediate disqualification.