Pubg Kings Cup 2

Pubg Kings Cup 2

Von Tiltproof
The tournament is played on the PC platform, and every participant needs to have the original version of the PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds game on Steam.
Turnir se igra na PC platformi, te svaki pojedinac mora da poseduje punu verziju PlayerUnknown’s BattleGrounds igre na Steamu.

You must be a citizen of the following countries to participate in the tournament:
Za učešće na turniru potrebno je ste državljanin sledećih država:

- Bosnia
- Serbia
- Croatia
- Macedonia
- Slovenia
- Kosovo
- Albania
- Montenegro

Tournament format/Format turnira je:
-Open qualis/Otvorene Kvalifikacije 64 (BO4)
-Top 32 teams advances to the final stage/Top32 prolazi u finalnu fazu (BO5)

You must be on our Discord server during the tournament/Tokom turnira morate biti prisutni na našem Discord serveru: