TPS Excellence Cup - CS:GO

TPS Excellence Cup - Sponsored by AMD and Gamdias

Von TPS Technologies
Online, India
Rules for TPS Excellence Cup CSGO event:

1. The software used in Counter-Strike: Global Offensive (Steam Version)

2. It is a 5 (Five) Player Team Tournament

3. Each team must present 1 (one) representative. He/ she is responsible for his/her team and will be responsible for choosing maps and all communication with referees must be done through the team captain.

4. The tournament will be played with the following ruleset:

a. Rounds: 30 Rounds (Fifteen as each side[Terrorists & Counter-Terrorists])
b. Victory Conditions: The first team to win 16 rounds wins the map and the round is over immediately.
c. Each individual round is 1:55 Mins in duration
d. The star side will be chosen by a knife round.
e. In case of a tie after the regulation rounds end (15-15), 6 extra rounds will be played. 3 rounds as Terrorists and 3 rounds as Counter-Terrorists. The first team to win 4 rounds
wins the map. [Repeat if necessary]
f. Extra rounds restart money: $10,000

5. Substitutions are not applicable during the match, registered 5 must play through the duration of the tournament.

6. The first team to win 16 rounds will be declared the victor of the match and will advance

7. The map each team will play will be picked through a map veto/vote system within the game.

8. No outside applications/executables / DLL's / workshop items, read _ANY_ method of gaining an advantage over the other team is allowed in the tournament.

9. Players not ready within 20 minutes (outside technical issues) of their match will forfeit that match.

10. Maps will be decided through a veto/vote system within the game.

Match Procedures
Match Start / Punctuality – All matches should start as stated on the tournament schedule. Any changes of the time must be accepted by the Tournament Admins. All Teams and Players in a match should be on the server and ready to go at the latest fifteen (20)minutes before the start of the match.
Request a New Game Server – Teams must report game server issues no later than five (5) minutes before the scheduled start time of the match. Failure to do so will forfeit a Team’s right to request a game server change at the Tournament Admin’s discretion

Game-Specific Rules
Game version – The tournament will use the latest available version of the game client.
Anti-Cheat – Tournament servers will be VAC enabled and will require VAC enabled clients. If a player is VAC banned then they are not allowed to take part in a match.

Map Pool
The Tournament will use the current competitive map pool (Valve Active Duty Map Group) which consists of the following maps:

Match Settings and Information
Matches are played in a Best of Five format
The following match settings will be used during the tournament:
Rounds: Best out of 30
Round time: 1 minute 55 seconds
Start money: $800
Freeze time: 20 seconds
Buy time: 20 seconds
Bomb timer: 40 seconds
Overtime rounds: best out of 6
Overtime start money: $16,000
Round restart-delay 5 seconds
Break during half time: 2 minutes 30 seconds
Break during half time in overtimes: disabled
Overtimes – In case of a draw after all 30 rounds have been played, overtime will be played in best out of 6 modes (mp_maxrounds 6) and with $16,000 start money (mp_startmoney 16000). For the start of the overtime, teams will stay on the side which they played the previous half on, during half-time sites will be swapped. Teams will continue to play overtime until a winner has been found.
Match server – Matches are played on the servers provided by LXG. Teams are required to check all the necessary game aspects (including skins, bugs on load, etc.) and network components (latency and server variance) before starting the match. Failure to do so, and to let the match start, will mean that both teams have accepted the state the map is in, and the match might be continued under these conditions.
In-Game chat – It is not allowed to write about things that are not directly related to the match in the in-game chat. This is including but not limited to discussion of the technical issues and any sort of advertisement.

Usage of the pause function
Technical Pause – If a player has a problem that prevents him from playing on, he is allowed to use the pause function. The player has to announce the reason before or immediately after he paused the match. During a technical pause, headsets have to stay on. Unless the referee instructs the matched participant otherwise any form of communication including but not limited to text and voice communication between players and coaches is forbidden during a technical pause
Timeout – Each team is allowed to invoke a timeout (tactical pause) of 30 seconds up to four times per map. Timeouts can be called via the in-game vote system (ESC → Call Vote → Call Tactical Timeout). Teams are allowed to take all four timeouts at once by calling them all individually once the previous timeout expires. The team will not be given additional timeouts in the overtime, but the unused timeouts can still be used in overtime.
Admin Pause – The admin can pause the game from his station or from a player station when it is required. If for some reason the player pausing does not work, they have to request the admin to do it.
Configuration files – ll configuration changes are allowed as long as they do not give an unfair edge or advantage comparable to cheating. A player may be penalized for wrong settings in any config file, regardless if it is in use, or even stored in the game folder in question. The following commands are forbidden:
cl_showpos 1 –the value needs to be set to 0.
Teams are required to contact the tournament administration if they are unsure of the validity of a command and its value. A team may be penalized for having forbidden commands in their configuration file, regardless if it was in use.
Scripts – All scripts are illegal except for buy, toggle, demo scripts. A team may be penalized for having forbidden scripts in their configuration file, regardless if it was in use.
Graphics drivers – Any modification or changing of the game using external graphics solutions or other 3rd party programs are strictly prohibited and may be punished under the cheating paragraph.
Custom Data – Players are not allowed to use any form of custom game files during the official matches. Only CSGO skins are allowed to change. Any other changes, including but not limited to modification of sprites, HUDs, scoreboards, crosshairs are strictly disallowed.
Streaming - NoTeam or Player is allowed to stream their or any of the tournament matches. Doing so will result in forceful forfeit of complete team from the tournament.

Match Procedures
Match Breaks – Teams will have at least 10 minutes of a break between matches and 8 minutes between maps. The exact times will be communicated by the tournament administration. There are no breaks at half times.
Number of Players – All matches have to be played with five players per team (5vs5), other constellations are not allowed. If a team fails to show up with enough players, the match will count as a no-show.
Change of Players – Only players that are part of the team can be substituted in. The opposing team and tournament administration has to be informed beforehand. Substitution or Change of Players/Captains need to be informed till 23rd sept 2020 Discord group.
Change procedure – Lineup changes are only allowed in between maps. The player will not receive additional time to set up compared to the time it would have taken with the original player.
Match Interruptions – If a match is interrupted for reasons beyond the control of the participants (e.g. server or player crash), the tournament administration will restore the round using the CSGO’s backup & restore feature, but in some scenarios may decide to replay the round or even a whole match.
If the issue takes place during the first minute of the round, before any damage has occurred and the opponent or referee has been immediately notified, the round will be restored.
If the issue takes place during a round and after the damage has been made and the outcome of the round can still be determined (e.g. a single player has dropped but others remain), then the round will not be replaced or restored. The round will continue to be played and will count. Special exceptions can be made if the damage dealt was ruled insignificant e.g. accidental teammate damage dealt at the start of the round or damage dealt with the opposing side by the team that was affected by the crash.
If the issue takes place during the round, after the damage has occurred and the outcome of the round cannot be determined (e.g. due to server crash), the match will be restored to the beginning of the round.
If the issue takes place during the round after the damage has occurred and the outcome of the round is obvious (e.g. one team is saving with 10 seconds remaining), but it cannot be continued due to for example a server crash, then the round can be awarded.
The matches will not be stopped and/or rounds will not be restored or replaced in cases where it is clearly a participant’s fault (e.g. mis-buying a weapon).

Use of Bugs and Glitches
The intentional use of any bugs, glitches, or errors in the game is forbidden. It is up to the admin's discretion whether or not the use of said bugs had an effect on the match, and whether or not he will award rounds, or the match to the opposing team, or force a rematch. The usage of the following bugs is strictly forbidden if any bug is used which is not listed here it is up to the admin's discretion whether or not a punishment is necessary.
Moving through clipped areas where the movement is not intended by the design of the map is strictly forbidden (any walls, ceilings, floors etc).