Kashmir premiere league S2

PubgMobile Kashmir premiere league season2

Von CbKash Gaming
Online, Jammu and kashmir
All the squads are about to take it in main priors that no sort of voilations in any set of rules would be tolerated.And the team or any individual player seemed to be voilating or tresspassing the set form of rules will be unhesistatingly disqualified and further banned from playing any more in the same rivalry . There is none of the options for the same ones to claim their registration fee back.
The match timing , Group details and other schedules will be provided further through whatsappGroup and your provided emails.
The Room id's and passwords will be provided through whatsapp broadcast to the team leaders of everyteam.
Every team leader After registering , also make sure that you have been added in the whatsapp broadcast for every bit of information.
1.Every squad registering for the tournament has to pay the decided registration fee by the described means of payment transfer.
2.Every player must be of more than 30 ingame experience levels.
3.If any player according to tournament officials seem to be cheating or caught with any plugins , the whole team would be disqualified and further banned from any tournaments organised by the CbKashGaming.
4.Every Squad consists of 4 playes but can have 1 substitute player in a que that the team can replace.
5.Before replacing with substitute player registered squad must inform the tournament organisers about the change.
6.All the four players including the substitute player at any cost must have same Nametag (eg. Soul Mortal). None player with a different nametag or clan can play in any squad. Means all the four players must have same clan and nametag.
7.The match timings are crucial , no legacy in joining the room on a fixed timetable that would be issued. Any team or any player if found out of time will be given no relaxation and match will be started at sharp clocks.
8.No match would be cancelled or rematched for any individual reasons , only if any problem persists to the server then on stream annoucements would be made for match cancellation.
9.Match details would be mostly provided through whatsapp broadcast so if any body is found sharing the id to some unregistered guy , the whole team will be disqualified and further banned from the tournament
10.No emulator players are allowed
Tournament is for mobile gamers only
If any quiries please don't hesitate to dm me on the following:
whatsapp (6005349035)
Email([email protected])