Spieler im Match

I am crying

Clan Tag: #2PQVY8GPU
Representative discord tag: Nicholas | TG#5401
Second representative discord tag: HookedToClash#2130
Pays: entfällt
Player Tag: #2QPU28Q99
Discord tag: Nicholas | TG#5401
Discord ID: 253029705014444032
Country of the player: entfällt
Country of the account: entfällt
Player Tag: #2PCG89U2
Discord tag: HookedToClash #2130
Discord ID: 184970936305319936
Country of the player: entfällt
Country of the account: entfällt
Player Tag: #J022L8L
Discord tag: Serg #8378
Discord ID: 281793836504580097
Country of the player: entfällt
Country of the account: entfällt
Player Tag: #28YV0V2YQ
Discord tag: Elliot/TG #5858
Discord ID: 332462265452331009
Country of the player: entfällt
Country of the account: entfällt
Lord Kirk
Player Tag: #G2C08J0R
Discord tag: Lord Kirk #5105
Discord ID: 363816756604567563
Country of the player: entfällt
Country of the account: entfällt
Player Tag: #2V9QLQVL
Discord tag: SirLongSword #8949
Discord ID: 567068117805694986
Country of the player: entfällt
Country of the account: entfällt
Player Tag: #RG0QGGYG
Discord tag: FreshAir#2067
Discord ID: 242774339483729932
Country of the player: entfällt
Country of the account: entfällt


Clan Tag: entfällt
Representative discord tag: entfällt
Second representative discord tag: entfällt
Pays: entfällt
Player Tag: #YGUU9U8Q
Discord tag: ESG | Tim#0670
Discord ID: 407244688941121536
Country of the player: Germany
Country of the account: Germany
Player Tag: #2YPPPG2L0
Discord tag: Crusader#1228
Discord ID: 331086569320742913
Country of the player: Germany
Country of the account: Germany
Player Tag: #9GPVC2U8
Discord tag: ESG knockout|Martin#9225
Discord ID: 366988300994609164
Country of the player: Germany
Country of the account: Germany
Player Tag: #J9YGP82U
Discord tag: Sascha :v:#1091
Discord ID: 528982880819347457
Country of the player: entfällt
Country of the account: entfällt
Player Tag: #JLULL2UU
Discord tag: Sl3nd3rman#8669
Discord ID: 353581008626515969
Country of the player: Germany
Country of the account: Germany
Player Tag: #PGUC2V9Y
Discord tag: Rims#4425
Discord ID: 340373314835054594
Country of the player: Germany
Country of the account: Germany
Player Tag: #JJ9QP9LP
Discord tag: Largo99#5736
Discord ID: 456743386653786113
Country of the player: Germany
Country of the account: Germany
Player Tag: entfällt
Discord tag: entfällt
Discord ID: entfällt
Country of the player: entfällt
Country of the account: entfällt
Player Tag: #9YPYP80G
Discord tag: Rico#4918
Discord ID: 557293322729816064
Country of the player: entfällt
Country of the account: entfällt