Gamescom Cup 2020 (EU)

Von VR-Nerds
4 vs 4 players
- Double Elimination game mode (BO3)
- Finals (BO5)


Prior to participating joining the Tower Tag discord is mandatory for all participants. Team captains will have to join the TC channel to receive official statements etc.

Cheating in any way results in immediate disqualification from the league. The punishment of minor offenses lies in the discretion of the admins.

Cheating is intended to include the intentional or reckless manipulation of the game and its code or exploiting bugs in such a way as to confer an unfair advantage on one side or the other.

Any cheating, exploiting, or contravention of the foregoing rules must be brought to the attention of the Admins.

Any use of the spectate function by participants during official matches, either directly or indirectly, to obtain an advantage of any kind is classified as cheating.

Contravention of any of the rules shall be sanctionable on review by the league admins.

In the event of a conflict of interest, affected admins shall recuse themselves from relevant decision-making.


Each team shall have 4 active players in their roster. If a team needs to fill in a substitute please notify the admins about it asap.

A substitute may not be part of any active league team.

All matches are played in the elimination game mode.

The length of each match is 5 minutes.

Map selection: RIG and Elbtunnel by random choice

Both teams have to report their results on Toornament after a match

[Point distribution]

Win: 3 points
Draw: 1 point
Loss: 0 points


[ Technical Issues ]

Teams are responsible for any of their own technical issues, including hardware, software, or internet issues.

In the case of a technical issue during a match, the team may request a restart of the current round. Each round may be only restarted once. A restart is only possible if the round has been going on for less than one minute.

[ Forfeits ]

Players have a 15 minutes buffer from the scheduled start time to be ready. After the buffer has elapsed, the team that is not ready (or responsible for the delay) forfeits the match. We advise you to publicly contact the other team on discord as proof for being ready.

If one team is lacking players at the start of the match the other team may choose from one of the following options:

The team lacking players will be filled up with bots (the lacking team has to agree, they may decide to start with fewer players instead)

The lacking team has to compete with fewer players

The deciding team stands down players to match the player number of the lacking teams

[If both team are lacking players, the team captains may decide between]

-Fill with bots

-Both teams play with an equal player count

-The team with fewer players fills up to the number of real players of the other team