Space BBQ League #16 (Wilds)

Von SpaceMeatpod#2989
Space BBQ League is a free-to-join, open tournament series for Minion Masters on PC.
America/New York (UTC-04:00)
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Prizes supplied by SpaceMeatpod#2989:
- 1st Place: 1 Big Dwarf Park code, 3000 Steam Gems (3x Sack of Gems)
- 2nd Place: 1 Dwarf Pack code, and 2000 Steam Gems (2x Sack of Gems)

About Steam Gems:
Steam Gems are not currency in Minion Masters, but are an item that can be traded on the Steam community market for a small amount of store credit if your account is at least level 5. Steam may impose a 7 day waiting period before you are able to accept the trade offer. If your account is unable to accept the trade within a month, the Gem portion of the prize might be forfeit.