CounterStrafe Wingman Tournament #3

Von CounterStrafe
Online, Dallas
- Wingman tournament
- Double elimination
- Free entry
- 32 2-man teams with one alternate player allowed
- Once a team plays a match, the two people who participated in that match have to play every assigned match in the tournament or the team is disqualified
- 2-day event:
- Day 1: Games WB 1.1-WB 4.2 and LB 1.1-LB 6.2
- Day 2: All remaining matches
- Round settings and win requirements will follow the same format as CS:GO's built-in competitive Wingman matchmaking
- US Central servers
- 128 tick servers
- All games are Bo1 except for the grand finals which will be Bo3

- Captains must enter the Steam ID's and full Discord usernames (with the #) of all team members in the registration fields in order to play. Registrations with incorrect Steam ID's or Discord usernames may be rejected.

Game Details:
- If a tie occurs for the match, an overtime will be played
- Best of 6 rounds with 3 round halves
- Starting money is $8,000
- 2 timeouts per team, per match will be available
- In the event of a disconnect a team may use a timeout to resolve any issues
- If a disconnect happens with no timeouts remaining the game will play on as normal
- If both players on a team disconnect, a timeout will be taken on the team’s behalf. If no timeouts remain the team forfeits
- Map selection will work in a ban process, each team will ban a map one by one until a final map is left
- The first team to start the banning process will be decided randomly
- The sides on the map are determined by a knife round
- All players will need to report on Discord when mentioned. A team will be given 5 minutes to be ready to play after being mentioned. If a team fails to show up the team will be disqualified or up to the TO's discretion, play another ready match.

Dispute Resolution:
- TO's may review games only after the end of the match to ensure fair play. All TO's rulings on disqualifications are final.
- All third party software and scripts are forbidden

Map Pool:
- de_vertigo
- de_inferno
- de_overpass
- de_train
- de_shortnuke