Level Lockdown Royale - Heat 1

Level Lockdown Royale

PC, Playstation 4
Von Level Academy
Online, Malta
1. Overview
Level’s Lockdown Royale will be held online on the 2nd April from 18:00 to 21:00, and will feature 3 games of Fortnite starting on the hour every hour.

2. Player Eligibility

2.1 Age
Players must be eligible to play Fortnite according to the game’s standard age rating (12+), and must be residents within Malta. Players under 12 will need to provide a signed consent form to our support team.

2.2 Sign Up
Players must sign up on the relevant Toornament Page, players are not allowed to take part if they have not made it into a game’s check in phase.

3. Competition Structure

3.1 Games
3 Games will be played all separately from each other. Each game will be prized separately, with the winner taking home one of 3 prizes.

3.2 Modes
All games will be played in Solo Arena Customs.

3.3 Win Condition
Only the Winner of each Game will be entitled to a prize. The match winner is requested to post a full screenshot of the winning screen, clearly showing the server code at the bottom into our discord in the #👍-proof-submission channel. Please make sure you've redeemed your @Casual role to do so. You can do this by reacting with a 🟢 in the #✅-role-request channel.

4. Ethical Conduct

4.1 Codes
A code will be given to players through toornament lobby chat prior to their match start time, this code is to be used only to get into the game. Sharing the game with players who are not within the registration list is considered a breach of regulation. Players caught sharing codes or asking for codes without registering will with immediate effect be disqualified, forfeit any prize they win and will be subsequently banned from any Level Academy Events for the next 5 years.

4.2 Cheating
As per normal competitive ruling, use of external programs to improve one’s gameplay, such as bots, aim locks etc. is prohibited, and will result in an immediate disqualification and a 5 year Level Academy Event Ban.

5. Entry procedure

5.1 Sign Up
Players must all sign up on toornament.com during the registration phase.

5.2 Check-In
A 30 minute Check-in phase will occur just before the event. I.e Check-in opens 30 minute before the event starts.

5.3 Chat
Once check-in is over, an administrator will post a custom game code in the lobby chat.

5.4 In-Game Procedure
When a player has the key, select “Arena Mode Solo” and click “Custom Options” at the bottom. Once there, enter the key provided (case-sensitive) and click play. This will promptly enter the player into a queue, at this point all one has to do is wait for the game to start. The normal Start time is 10 minutes from Key Posting time.

5.5 No-Show
Games are started 10 minutes after a key has been posted, players who fail to show up immediately forfeit their spot.

5.6 Disconnects
Players who fail to load into the game or disconnect in the middle of a game immediately forfeit their spot.

5.7 Admin Interference
An admin can at any point in time make a decision that is otherwise outlined by the rules under extreme circumstances, i.e they may change a rule if necessary.