2020 Pandemic Tournament

Von Spookyy Esports
Online, New York, United States
Rules are listed in our discord (https://discord.gg/KCNMBmM), but will also be below:

These rules apply to all players on a team. If found in violation of any one of these rules, a team will be immediately disqualified, and potentially banned from attending any of our future tournaments.

1. No player can use any type of 3rd party software, giving them a mechanical advantage. These include, but are not limited to:
> Aim assistance, visual assistance or any other type of cheat-software.
> Macros or other types of speed/control-enhancements.
> Twitch streams
2. No player can "shit talk", or in another way be negative towards another team while playing a match.
3. No player can use the chat function for any kind of offensive messages, including but not limited to:
> Racism (Hate toward a specific race)
> Sexism (Hate toward a specific sex)
> Homomisia (Hate toward a specific sexuality)
> Nationalism (Hate toward a specific nationality)
> Religiomisia (Hate toward a specific religion)

If any of these rules are broken, please report it to a member of staff immediately.