[COD] official tourney network

💪🏼 “Survival of the Fittest” 💪🏼

Von ʙ E̲ ᴛ & CBK Esports
💡 Refer to in game rules for in game rules
- Team Deathmatch: Defeat players on the opposing team.
- Domination: Capture and hold flags across the map to earn points for your team.
- Hardpoint: Capture the hill which rotates location periodically to earn points for your team.
- All modes support 10 players

⏰ [REGISTRATION]: you have (24) hours to send your team LOGO in as well as your discord (ex: Johndoe#1234)
- This verifies 1. U read directions 2. Helps us with automation and graphics.
- Registration closes (12) hours prior to start of tourney for CHECK IN to open

⌛️ [CHECK IN]: you will be emailed any and all info regarding tournament so make sure tea, email is active and notifications are turned (ON)

⚠️ [ Specifics] will be emailed ex: (lobby: ID password, LOBBY SLOT)
💀 Lobby slot hopping even oncemevem by mistake will result in bans/future team privileges (cease to exists.)