QLASH Gamestry Cup Qualifier#1

Von Cristian Espartaco
Qualifier Best of 3 with:

1 Gem = Chill Cave / Cueva Taciturna
2 Balon Brawl = Beach Ball / Pelota de Playa
3 Heist = Pit Stop / Neumáticos Maniáticos

After Quarter finals Best of 5 with:

1 Gem = Chill Cave /Cueva Taciturna
2 Balon Brawl = Beach Ball / Pelota de Playa
3 Heist = Pit Stop / Neumáticos Maniáticos
4 Bounty = Layer Cake / Crimen organizado
5 Siege = Nuts & Bolts / Tuercas y tornillos

1 global ban to both teams in each map