Flaktest Summer Minors - Hearthstone

PC, Handy
Von Flaktest
Tournament rules define a set number of decks that each player can use for a 1v1 round.

- Each player must have 3 decks, all of which must be Standard (No Wild decks)

- 1 Deck per class. Each deck must come from a different class (e.g. having two Mage decks is not allowed).

- To begin playing a round, each player chooses one of their decks to battle the opponent with, with the deck choice hidden from the opponent. Players may ask what classes their opponent has available, but they won’t know which class is picked until both players have picked.

Games are then played out with the following rules.

- A deck that wins a game must be played again until it loses.

- Any deck that is defeated is removed from play and may not be played again in the set.

- The losing player must change deck to one that has not been used yet in the set.

- The first player to defeat all 3 of their opponents decks wins the set. (First to 3 wins)