Rise of Plebs
Each captain must be in the discord server to ease communication: https://discord.gg/ts3dcM5

The tag team, once formed, will stay the same for the rest of the tournament unless there are unexpected circumstances.

It is advised to team up with players who are close to your time zone to avoid inconvenience later.

Quick rules:

• All games will be 2v2 with nomad game rules (slow and expensive tech, low resources), victory conquest, and tournament play ON.
• All games before the semi final will be best of 5. The semi-finals will be Best of 3 and the grand-finale will be best of 7.
• Maps are as follows:
a) Best of 3 (random land map > Loser's choice of map (no repeat) > loser's choice of sea map)
b) Best of 5 (random land map > Loser's choice of map (no repeat) > loser's choice of sea map > Loser's choice of map (no repeat) > Loser's choice of map (no repeat))
• Nation picking: Each team bans 5 nations for the opponent team before the round starts. Each team then is allowed to pick any nation except the nations banned by their opponent. You are not allowed to choose random nations, you will lose the game if you choose random. Here is an example of how banning will take place:
Team 1 leader: we ban aztecs, lakota, japanese, iroquois, and turks.
Team 2 leader: we ban inca, bantu, nubians, mongols, and lakota.
*Team 1 and 2 can then select any nations for the best of 3/5 except what their opponents have banned.* Once you choose an unbanned nation, that nation becomes unavailable to you and your ally for the rest of the games! You and your ally must choose different nations every game!
e.g. If you choose germans, that nation is now unavailable for you or your teammate to choose for subsequent games.

General game rules:

• Players are not allowed to capture another city while the 'aggressor' is still in Age 1. Heavy infantry raids are allowed but if a city is captured, the offending player’s team is deemed to have forfeited the game
• Players are not allowed to use the “Rare Glitch” under any circumstances. This refers to a player using an exploit where two merchants use the same rare resource. Any use of this glitch will result in the team’s immediate forfeit of the game.


• If a player drops/lags out during the loading screen, the game is to be re-hosted from the lobby, however players must manually select the nations which they received during the previous loading screen. The same map must also be manually selected.
• If a player drops/lags out during a match, and the team wishes to continue, the team mate must be replaced by AI or the game is forfeited. If the player is dropped by accident, you cannot bribe a team mate’s capital and receive the +500 bonus under any circumstances. Doing so will result in forfeiture of the game.
• If a player drops/lags out during a match, the opposing team’s captain can agree to replay the match in good faith if they deem the game to be in the balance prior to the drop. The captain of the team who did not drop has the full right to decide if the replay will have the same nations.
• If a particular player drops twice in a single bo3/5/7, that team must replace with AI or forfeit.
• If the opposing team’s captain does not agree to a replay, the team who dropped can appeal this decision. The game will be reviewed by an independent player and/or panel of players (comprised of tournament organisers and/or respected neutral community members not directly affiliated with the teams involved).

--> The player and/or panel of players will make a decision of whether the game will be replayed, or the game forfeited by the team who dropped. The player and/or panel of players will assess this based on a combination of factors including how many minutes played, the team scores at the time of the drop, the team’s rare resources/income at time of drop, the team's combined armies at the time of the drop, the team's nations, the circumstances involved, game momentum, wonders held and technology. If it is deemed that the team who dropped had a 50% or higher probability of winning the game, it will be considered grounds for a replay to be called.

--> The purpose of the judgement is to eliminate any incentive for foul play where a player has dropped on purpose to gain an unfair advantage. If there is reasonable suspicion that a player has dropped/lagged out with intent to gain an unfair advantage by replaying the game (ie. after starting with low wood), this will be factored in. This decision will be discretionary based on best available information at the time, and all decisions are final.

• If the game crashes unexpectedly, the two team captains can agree to a replay. They must be in contact on discord . If either captain does not agree, as they believe that at the time of the drop their team was in a very strong position to win, the captain can appeal this. The game will be reviewed by an independent player and/or panel of players. If the player and/or panel of players determine that one team was in a strong and dominating position, defined as having a very high likelihood of winning the match were it to continue, the match may be ruled in their favour. If there is reasonable doubt regarding the outcome of the game, the match is to be replayed. If a player has attempted to cause a game crash to gain an unfair advantage that is against the spirit of the game, and there is probable suspicion of intent, the player will be removed from the tournament and the player's team will forfeit the game in question.

If the same player drops twice in the same game round, the rematch option will not be available! The only choices would be for the dropping team to replace with AI or forfeit the game. They wouldn't get a chance to ask for a review since its their fault for continuous dropping and ruining the game.

Tournament Rules:

• All players must have the exact same Team/Clan Tag in their name prior to beginning the match as per the name registered on this site.
• You may not impersonate or "smurf" as another player. If you are found to have done so to gain an unfair advantage, the team will be deemed to have forfeited the game and match.
• Unsportsmanlike conduct is not permitted. Offensive language or behaving in a way that is against the spirit of a fair game and fair tournament will not be tolerated and any player engaging in unsportsmanlike conduct will be given a formal warning. If the conduct continues, the player will be banned from the remainder of the tournament at the discretion of tournament organisers.
• Players may not play for more than one team. Any team member who is found to have played for more than one team, will have their team immediately disqualified from the tournament and may be banned from future tournaments.
• Clans may enter multiple teams, but must list each team as their “A” or “B” team.
• Clans are invited to register more than one team.
• Players will be advised of the schedule in advance to ensure likelihood of being able to play. Players should be ready to play 15 minutes prior to beginning of the match. Should a team be unable to field enough eligible players within 30 minutes of scheduled start, the team will be deemed to have forfeited, unless there are extraordinary circumstances, on which the tournament organisers will have judgement to reschedule the match.
• Any prize payments at the conclusion of the tournament will be made in good faith and ultimately are at the discretion of the tournament organisers

Captain's Responsibilities:

• Each captain is responsible for organising his team in advance so that all required players are ready and logged in prior to the match. If the captain is advised that the rostered team members cannot play at the scheduled time, the captain is to advise the opposing team's captain and tournament organisers so that an alternative time can be arranged.
• In the event of a dropped game, the captain of the team who did not drop can agree to a rematch in good faith if the captain deems the drop to be accidental and/or the captain believes the game was "in the balance". If the captain does not agree, the drop will be reviewed as per previously mentioned rules.
• At the completion of the best of 3 or 5, both team captains (both winning and losing captains) MUST send 3x or 5x replay files respectively for the games to the tournament inbox "[email protected]". The email must not contain the result of the match. The files are to be renamed "1", "2", "3", "4", and "5" prior to sending. If there was no 4th or 5th match, a random replay (any replay) that the player has must be used instead and renamed as "4" or "5", to avoid revealing the result in the email. This is to allow the games to be broadcast from the replay without having the result spoiled in advance.
• Each team must complete a match by the following Sunday after the game has been established in the draw. Both captains must make a genuine effort to meet this deadline and assist with progressing the tournament. Should one team be unable to reasonably schedule a match prior to that match's deadline, they may be eliminated from the tournament.

Each captain must be in the discord server to ease communication: https://discord.gg/ts3dcM5