Digital Sindicate MK Finisher

Digital Sindicate MK Finisher

Von Digital Sindicate
TimeWarp Cards and Comics Shop
1. Any form of harassment will not be tolerated: No racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, islamophobia, etc. or really anything that's designed to put people down or make them feel inferior

2. Cussing is fine so long as it is not used in conflict with Rule 1.

3. No trolling or spamming. This would fall under rule 1, and will not be tolerated.

4. Free speech is welcomed, so long as it is not harassing

5. Members here will agree to abide by a three strike system. Your first strike for non-compliance will be a warning to stop. Second strike will be a warning to stop, coupled with a second warning that action will be taken if behavior continues. Third strike will result in punishment action as low as a forced silence to a full ban, to be decided by mods at their discretion. If you feel you were punished unfairly by a mod please message a different mod or a creator and your case will be reviewed, and reversed if it is determined punishment was indeed unfair.