HH Apex Amateur Series Week 11

HeroesHype Apex Legends Amateur Series | Week 11

Von HeroesHype
Online, Los Angeles, CA
Complete Rules: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1lqrhFtZwZ0xW-rMwVU33xwwM7sAm73rS2MOUnKf79H4/

Critical rules:

*All Captains must be in our Discord Server...Failure to do so may lead to disqualification.*

Discord Channel - discord.gg/heroeshype

*At least one player on each squad must stream the game on their personal Twitch channel. This is for the casters who will be casting players' gameplay on the HeroesHype Twitch channel as well as resolving any potential scoring disputes.*

*Screenshots of the end game score screen must be submitted to an admin in Discord after each round for scoring. *

*Deliberately killing yourselves in order to start another round before the 30 minute time limit is up is not allowed. Your points earned for that round will not count if we catch you doing this.*

General rules:
- Single day bracket play
- 3 vs 3
- Single elimination
- Squads play for 30 minutes for each matchup, points awarded based on number of kills and placement, squad with the most points advances. New rounds may be started up until the 30 minute time limit has been reached. You may finish your current round if time runs out.