Splatoon 2 EU Community Cup #6

Von Webedia
Online, Europe
Please read all the following rules of the Splatoon 2 EU Community Cup tournaments: https://bit.ly/2T0Wx4R

- The team captain must be present on the Splatoon 2 community Discord: https://discord.gg/pfSB5dQ at least one hour before the start of the tournament for check-in. You can also get in touch with the organisers and other participants to exchange friend codes.
Reminder that you can use this Discord to find fellow Inklings and Octolings in order to participate in this tournament.

- All players must be at least 7 years of age by the tournament start date in order to take part. If you are a minor, you must fill in and send us a parental consent form which you can access via this link: https://bit.ly/2QyboCu

- Substitutions are possible between matches and between rounds of the same game for teams of more than 4 players. They must be announced in advance on the Splatoon 2 community Discord and indicated beforehand on Toornament.

- Spectator mode is strictly reserved for the tournament organisers.