FREE $150,- duo tournament

FREE $150,- duo tournament by Realistiq eSports

PC, Playstation 4, Xbox One, Switch
Von Realistiq eSports
Online, EU/NA
1. Use creator code prepix in itemshop
2. Join our discord ( )
3. Send a screen with proof that you and your teammate are using the code in $150,- duo tournament.
4. We will accept your registration

How To Play:
1) Join Our Discord and Read The '#how-to-play-tournaments' Under The Fortnite Tab.

1) You NEED To Join Our Discord
2) RESPECT Your Opponents
3) Cheating Will Be Followed By a Ban
4) Griefing Is Allowed
5) Must Be Played on NA East/EU Servers
6) Server Location Switches Between Games If 1 Location is Not Agreed Upon
7) Winners Will Get A Payout 1-7 Days After The Played Tournament
8) Do not swear nor disrespect any of the staff members
9) Your ingame name must be same as your name you registered on toornament
10) Upload a screenshot of both games
11) On the screenshot it must be visible that the game has ended
12) First game must be started within 5 minutes from the start of the tournament
13) If there is any problems ask for help in #tournament-problems text channel, BUT only with this formular filled out:

My team:
Enemy team:

14) Talk in tournament chat with your opponents