CZG League: CD Duos

Von Condition Zero Gaming
Online, Steam US
CZG League Rules

1.1. Team and Player Names
No racist / Sexist / offensive names, this will be decided by CZG league admins and is not open to discussion. Any team / player that is considered to have an inappropriate name must change their name or they will not be competing.
Only registered team members are allowed to play for a team. Players and teams must compete under their officially registered CZG League team names and Nicknames during all official matches.
1.2. Roster
Team rosters must consist of at least the minimum amount of players required to participate in the Tournament. Teams are only allowed to play with players on their roster with a registered game account. All roster changes must be made 48 hours before the start of the tournament with permission given my CZG Admins. Playing with different players and/or illegal ringers will result in punishment. The team must play with their registered roster players for the duration of the whole Tournament.
1.3. Claiming winnings
All players MUST have a valid paypall account this is the only form of payment that will be used for winnings.
1.4. Game version
As the tournament is being run on Steam client and the steam US version all players must have this installed by the official start time of the tournament.
1.5. Technical Issues
Teams are responsible for their own technical issues (hardware/Internet). Matches will not be rescheduled because of technical issues and matches will be played nevertheless. If the warm-up time in the starting area is exceeded the game goes on, even if the issue is not solved yet. In case of massive problems influencing a significant amount of players a replay of the map may be called via the tournament's support channels on Discord.
1.6. Participation
Participation for the tournament will be granted through Email accepting you're register request.
1.7. Disqualification
To keep tournaments as efficient as possible, CZG League reserves the right to disqualify teams at the discretion of the admins.
If your match is streamed on an official channel any removal of clothes will be punished. You are required to keep your character clothed in these matches.
The intentional use of any bugs, glitches, or errors in the game is strictly forbidden and will be penalised. Any team found to be using any known exploit will forfeit their game upon the first occurrence of the exploit. If the team is found to use another known exploit for a second time and it is determined to have been done on purpose they will be removed from the event and barred from any future events. Betting during any CZG League event (by a player, team, or on behalf of anyone associated with the team) is off limits. Those partaking will be disqualified from the event in question and will receive a minimum of 6 months ban.
Any players that are banned and caught making alt accounts will NOT receive any winning payments and be permanently banned from all other CZG League events with no exception.
2.1. Common Match Settings
Game setting will be Default with no changes to official public games.
2.2. Game Points
Solo + Duo 3 games per tournament.
Each kill is worth 20 points. Placement points are visible in the table below:
Placement Points
#1 400
#2 300
#3 240
#4 200
#5 165
#6 135
#7 110
#8 90
#9 75
#10 65
#11 55
#12 46
#13 38
#14 32
#15 27
#16 23
2.3. Regions
CZG League currently hosts tournaments for all regions with no exclusions.

2.4. Game preparations
Please resolve any problems that might occur before a match starts. Connection or hardware problems during a match could lead to a disqualification by CZG League admins. Make sure all players are eligible to play. In team games, all players must be registered for their corresponding team's roster.
2.3. Substitute Players
No substitute players are allowed. Unless admin approved 48 hours before the start of the tournament.
2.4. No show
If a participant cannot play at the scheduled start time, we will remove the team from participating in the tournament.
2.5. Number of players
If a team is missing a player they will be removed before the tournament start.
2.6. Disconnects
In the case that a player(s) disconnects, the team is allowed to continue to play the match at a disadvantage.
2.7. Forfeit
Participants can choose to forfeit a match if they wish. Forfeiting will result in 0 points from that match and possible disqualification.
2.8. Re-host
A re-host can only be played with admin initiation. Disconnects and lag issues will only qualify for a re-host if the issue occurs within the first 60 seconds of the game and affects a significant amount of players, barring any unforeseen situations.
2.9. Observers
Observers are organised by CZG League admins and people that are given permission by an admin (e.g. shoutcasters or streamers).
2.10. Results
All results will be input by CZG League personnel. If anything is unclear, participants should have screenshots available to verify the result and file a protest.
3. Communication & Support
Please submit a message to one of our CZG League admins on discord for support.
3.1. Admins
All participants must adhere to the decisions and rules of the tournament organisers, admins, and referees. All decisions are final, except in cases where the option to appeal is clearly stated. Conversations, either verbal or written, between organisers, admins or referees, and participants are confidential. Publicly posting or sharing these conversations with outside parties is strictly forbidden, unless permission is obtained.
3.2. Match Media
Faking or manipulating match media is forbidden and will result in severe penalties. Match media should be named clearly based on what it is. It is not possible to file a protest or write a support ticket to complain about bad match media naming. However, if an admin is hindered in their work because of bad match media names then it can be punished.
3.3. Casting and Streaming
Casting and Personal streaming is always allowed, however content creators must let an admin know where the stream will be held at least 48 hours before the start of the tournament.