2v2 Fortnite Tourney

INTO THE AM Duos Fortnite Battle Royale Tournament

PC, Playstation 4, Xbox One
View Tourney info here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ytWa6NPY5Op8uITpS-Wg1dsL1ZtyjZYpWnRKpY8SOPs/edit?usp=sharing

Game Rules

Finding a Match: All four (4) players will invite each other to the same lobby and search for a squad game on NA.

Win Condition: The winning team will be determined by the team with the largest number of total kills. If there is a tie, the tiebreaker will be determined by the team that had a player survive the longest. If there is still a tie then the winner will be decided by the team that got the final kill.

Griefing: You may not intentionally cause the death of your opponent. This includes sabotaging structures, causing fall damage, or any other negative interference in your opponents gameplay. Doing so will result in a forfeit of the map.

No helping opponents in any way. Doing so will result in a forfeit of the match.

At least ONE person from each team must be streaming their perspective on Twitch for evidence purposes.

Teams must use NA-West unless both teams agree on a different server.

Bracket Play
Double Elimination: Best of 3 games (jumps). Winner advances.

All Matches
Warm-up: No warm-up or practice games are permitted once the match’s first game has begun. If a match is played before the scheduled time, it will not be considered a warm-up and will count as the official results.

Lag: Replays will not be issued for lag.

Disconnections: If a player does not get into the game lobby before the start of the game, all players should back out and re-form the party.
If a player disconnects/leaves the game after the game has launched, their kills at the time of the disconnection (proof must be provided in the case of a disagreement) will be added to the kills of their teammate and the remainder of the game will continue.

No Shows: All no shows must be verified by a tournament official. The No Show grace period time is 10 minutes after the match's original start time. For example, if a match is scheduled for 10:00 PM, the no show time for this match would be 10:10 PM.

Report Match Score: Please report the match results on your match page.To report the match results, teams must report the match score accurately. Any match disputes can be reported using INTO THE AM’s Discord server https://discord.gg/wBX65Rx (Please use channel #tournament-room to contact MeghanElle or Dms)

Cheating: Breaking any rule and any form of cheating, glitching, abusing in-game mechanics, or unsportsmanlike behavior may result in a forfeit of a game. Cheating, glitching, and abusing in-game mechanics accusations must be verified by a tournament official. In order to contact a tournament official use INTO THE AM’s Discord server along with proof (screenshot or video) of the cheating. Punishable unsportsmanlike behavior includes, but is not limited to, excessive use of foul or degrading language.

Proof: We highly recommend that proof is taken via screenshot or clip. At least one member of each team should take a video or screenshot(s) of each game’s results in case proof is needed for a dispute. All proof should be clearly visible and contain the players names', if they are dead, and their number of kills.

Disputes: In order to dispute game results, players/teams must notify a tournament official, via Discord, that they would like to protest the game before a new game has begun. In order to dispute match results, players/teams must notify a tournament official that they would like to protest the match no longer than 15 minutes after the end of the match.

Behavior & Sportsmanship
Please avoid excessive foul language.
Always stay civil and respectful to the tournament organizers, teammates and opponents. What you do outside of the tournament is none of our business, but all interactions within the context of the tournament must follow this rule. Failure to abide by this rule will result in player termination from the tournament.
Racism, sexism or any form of hate speech will not be tolerated. A single report of this with proof will get you disqualified.
Follow basic streamer/chat etiquette when chatting in a teammate or opponent’s Twitch channels.
When reporting a dispute, be patient. Some verdicts are not as easy to reach as others, and the tournament organizers must consider all available evidence and try to contact both parties.

For questions, concerns, or disputes please DM @MeghanElle in INTO THE AM's Discord Server https://discord.gg/wBX65Rx