Zayhalla #1

Brawlhalla Zayhalla #1

We Start 16:00 MESZ ( This is Germanys timezone )

Match settings

- Lives 3
- Matchtime 8:00min
- Damage 100%
- Gadgets On
- Test maps and features Off
- Map set Tournament 1v1
- You can pick a new charackter after every map.
- both players has to agree their host
- if you got laggs at the start of the game , you only can restart if the first weapon is not dropped, or a hit was made.
-Played in a Best of 3 Mode.
- If you don`t show up till 16:15 your enemy will get a free win.
- Make screenshots to prove your win.

The Admins are able to change in seperate situations the rules.