Fortnite 2v2 PS4

Fortnite 2v2 $850 prize money tournament (PS4)

Playstation 4
Von GO BIG or GO HOME Entertainment
Layton Hills Mall
Best of 3 Matches: The team with the most kills at the end of the game session will be awarded the win for that session. If there is a tie in kills, life duration will be used to determine a tiebreaker. The first team to win 2 out of 3 matches will be awarded the win for the match
If you disconnect during a game the number of kills you had will stand however your disconnection will be treated as the time at which you died.

If a player downs someone and the other person bleeds out after the team dies. The kill will be counted towards the score of that team.In a best of 3 series, the team with the most amount of kills combined in the first 2 maps will host 3rd map.
You will party up as a SQUAD or DUOS with your opponent based on the type of match (1v1, 2v2). Any player inside of that queued session MAY NOT destroy any bases made by their opponent, make them fall, or any other actions that may help lead to that person's death.

Examples of sabotage include but are not limited to:

Breaking or weakening opponent's built or non built structures or cover by any means.

Causing opponents to miss shots or miss opprotunities for advancing their scores in any way shape or form.

Building in front of your opponent.

Boogie Bombing your opponent.

The use of a boogie bomb on your opponent at any point in the game are subject to disqualifications.

Tilted towers disclaimer:
If your team chooses to land at Titled Towers, you are accepting all outcomes that come with dropping within that area. Including lag, glitches, etc. We will not cancel any matches pertaining to lag or in-game glitches if your team chooses to drop in this location. There will be exceptions to this case and will be at the staffs discretion.