Competition Premiership Season 20

Von former ESL
These are the rules for the TM2 Stadium Competition Premiership 20. We make every effort to ensure the rules are complete and up to date but this may not always be the case. Therefore, admins reserve the right to change and modify rules and decisions.

1. General
1.1. Fairplay

All participants of the CPS are expected to behave in an appropriate and respectful manner towards other participants, spectators and the admins. In special cases, the admin team reserves the right to change or expand the rules if necessary and the right to make decisions which are not covered by the rules, to preserve the spirit of fair competition and sportsmanship.

1.2. Admin Team
Each of us can be reached on discord and/or on the website via support option.

1.3. Adding players
No player is allowed to play for more than one team during the same season: once a player left his team during the season, he is not allowed to play for any other team anymore.

You can add new players to your team until Friday, October 26th (23:59 CET). At that date all teams will be locked and no-one will be able to join your team anymore. Make sure to have your line-up fixed before then!

1.4. Season
The CPS20 officially starts on Sunday, 28th October with the Qualifications, while the first map is released on Sunday, 21st October. The Qualification is played in Swiss Cup format. The Qualification defines which team will play in which League/Division.

The groupstage will consist of groups with 6 teams. During the groupstage each team will face all other teams once, so the groupstage got 5 playdays. Meanwhile the playoffs will start. There will be a one week “break” for the Relegation phase – between the end of groupstage and playoffs. Two teams from Premier League from both group would go down into Open League 1, one team from Open League 1 to Open League 2 etc. The seedings for Premier League teams will be based on points and then roundscore difference (higher seeded team would face second team from Open League 1, while the lower seeded team would face first team from Open League 1).

The Premier League is composed by 12 teams, which are divided into 2 groups of six teams. Top two placed teams from both groups would then go into playoffs.

1.5. Rewards
This year, in collaboration with Nadeo, we have managed to secure a cash prize for the winners in amount of 160euros (20euros per player in team) and some Nadeo goodies for the second and third placed teams. Also, having the relegation phase back, starting from CPS 21, there will be no more Qualifiers, and teams that qualify now, will be able to move forward or backward only during Relegations.

1.6. Team size
The number of playing people per team is restricted by 4-8 for all teams.

All registered players can play and there is no non-playing position. If a team has too many people in their lineup, it will receive Penalty Points according to Rule 3.3. Honorary and inactive members are not allowed!

Guest drivers are not allowed. But, teams such as Euronics, BIG, DK, etc, will not be considered as guests. For more clarification please contact us with a support ticket.

1.8. Rankings
If at the end of the season two teams have the same amount of points, then the team that won the direct match will get the better position. If that match ended with a draw, the overall score difference is the next deciding factor. If that is also the same, the small submatch points of the direct match will decide.

2. Game Progress
2.1. Before the match
2.1.1. Qualification match rules
The number of matches for Qualification is to be determined by the amount of registered contestants.

The Qualification starts on 28th October, at 14:30 CET. Match format
Format: 3on3
Maps: one map (to be released on 21st October)
Mode: Team mode, until 5 points
Match: best of one
Result format: 5-X
2.1.2. Groupstage
For each Playday there is a default date, which overrides every other date:

Qualification – Sunday, 28th October: 14.30 CET
Playday 1 – Sunday, 4th November: 20.00 CET
Playday 2 – Sunday, 11th November 20.00 CET
Playday 3 – Sunday, 18th November: 20.00 CET
Playday 4 – Sunday, 25h November: 20.00 CET
Playday 5 – Sunday, 2nd December: 20.00 CET
Relegation – Sunday, 9th December: 20.00 CET
Playoffs Semi – Sunday, 16th December: 20.00 CET
Third place – Sunday, 23rd December: 18.00 CET
Playoffs Grand Final – Sunday, 23rd December: 20.00 CET
The Playoff dates are default dates. That means that teams are allowed to arrange on a new date.

If both teams agree the match can be moved. It is allowed to move the match up to 3 days in before of the default date, and up to 7 days after the default date (exception: last playday – write a ticket in that case). Make sure to decide a date to play before the default date!

2.1.3. Working of a match
The match consists of 4 submatches:

1on1: the winner gets 1 point
2on2: the winner gets 1 point
3on3: the winner gets 2 points
3on3: the winner gets 2 points
That makes a total amount of 6 points and the following results are possible: 6-0, 5-1, 4-2, 3-3. Those points need to be entered into the result sheet. If the result is 6-0, 5-1 or 4-2 for your team, then you won the match and receive 3 ranking points. The team that lost receives 0 ranking points. If the match ended with a draw 3-3, then both teams receive 1 ranking point.

The 1on1 and 3on3 subs are played until one team won 7 rounds (Best of 13). The 2on2 is played until one team won 5 rounds (Best of 9). Therefore the Point Limit for the 2on2 is 5.

The player that played 1on1 cannot play the 2on2 on the same map.

Map A: 1on1, 2on2

Map B: 3on3

Map C: 3on3

Playoff decider map will be Map A played 3on3.

2.1.4. Tennis Mode
The 3on3 submatches have to be played in Tennis Mode. This means that the winning team needs to have 2 points more than their opponent. For example: 8-6, 9-7, 10-8.

Tennis mode is enabled for all the submatches in the Playoffs.

2.1.5. Most important Server Settings
Mode: Team
Max Players: 6
Point Limit: high enough (due to tennis mode rule), e.g. 50
Max points: 6
Respawn is NOT allowed!
2.1.6. Maps
There will be one map for the Qualification and three CPS mappacks with three maps each for the rest of the competition, giving a total of ten maps for the complete CPS season. A separate newspost will be released with more information about the mappacks. For Premier League, two mappacks will be used during groupstage (playdays 1-3, 4-5 and Relegation/Semifinal) and one for the Grand Final. For Open League, two mappacks will be used during groupstage (playdays 1-3, 4-5 and Relegation).

2.1.7. Lineup restrictions
The 1on1 player isn’t allowed to play the 2on2 submatch with the same map.
In Premier League, each driver is allowed to play one 1on1 submatch during groupstage. The same rule apply for playoffs. So one player can play one 1on1 in groupstage and one 1on1 in playoffs.
2.2. In the match
2.2.1. Changing players during a submatch
It is not allowed to change the players during a map is being played. The only exception is if a player had a disconnect and doesn’t come back within 5 minutes, this player can be substituted then.

2.2.2. No Show
If a team doesn’t show up within 20 minutes after the default date, you have to open a ticket. The team that didn’t show up nor replied/refuses to play the match in the ticket loses the match 0-6 by a default loss and will receive 1 major penalty point. After 2 No Shows in one season, a team is disqualified from the current season.

2.2.3. Map rotation
Qualifer map -> Mappack 1 (3 maps); rounds 1-3 -> Mappack 2 (3 maps); rounds 4 and 5 + Relegation -> Mappack 3 (3 maps); Grand Final + 3rd place

2.3. After the match
Please enter the result in Toornament page. If you encounter any problem, message Runaway, Zare or Rasque, or open a ticket on the website.

3. Penalties
3.1. General
If a team is breaking the rules and/or doesn’t play fair according to rule 1.1, this team can receive Penalty Points (PPs). As the rulebook can’t cover all possibilities, the amount of PPs will be accorded to the severity and frequency in some cases. This is valid for example for insults, spamming, using horns, unsportmanlike behaviour, etc.

Please remember that we can and will only punish a team if we have clear proofs! Therefore you should always do screenshots, save replays etc in case something is going wrong!

There are Minor and Major PPs. 1 Major PP = 5 Minor PPs!

3.2. Point reduction
At the end of the group phase the PPs will reduce the teams’ ranking points. Each Minor Penalty comes with 0,1 point deduction. Each Major Penalty comes with 1 point deduction. By reaching 15 minors/3 majors: the team is disqualified from the current season.

3.3. Penalty Point Catalogue
No Show: 1 Major PP
Using Cuts: 1 Major PP and the submatch where the player used a cut will be lost (only if a player also finishes the run, it’s counted as “Using Cuts”)
Using Respawn: 2 minor PP for the hosting team for wrong server settings (only if a player also finishes the run, it’s counted as “Using Respawn”). This case must be reported with a valid evidence (screenshot/replay/stream etc)
Faker/playing with someone else’s account: 1 Major PP and the submatch where the faker played will be lost
Use of ineligible Players: 3 Minor PPs and the submatch where the ineligible player drove will be lost
Not respecting Tennis Mode rule: 2 Minor PPs for both teams
Playing with different number of people on submatches: 3 Minor PPs for the team with different roster