Von DSG Esports
By entering this tournament, you agree to the terms of use and anti-cheat policy of the site.

This tournament is open to everyone in Australia/NZ. Good natured banter is a part of any competition. However, we have a ZERO TOLERANCE policy toward any comment or behaviour that is abusive, threatening, aggressive or discriminatory. This includes team & player names.

1) Map Selection

For the first map only, the lower seeded team may ban 1 map type.

The higher seeded team will then choose the first map (out of the available map pool).

Any time where one team chooses the map, the other team may elect to choose which side they start on (n/a on Control).

This process should take no longer than 3 minutes from when first discussed in the custom lobby. If a team has not chosen a map or a side within 3 minutes or a reasonable amount of time since the other team made a choice, they forfeit this choice to the other team.

For any further maps, the loser of previous map chooses the next map (except maps in the map pool which have already been played in that series).

If a map is drawn, continue to the next map in the series, with the map being picked by the opposite team who picked the drawn map.

If the 3rd map is drawn, teams will play a golden point on a random Ilios point.

Seedings will use the latest public rankings (for full or partial teams), with other teams being seeded at the discretion of the tournament admins.

2) Map Pool

Control - Ilios/Nepal

Hybrid - Blizzard World/Hollywood/Numbani

Assault - Hanamura/Horizon

Escort - Junkertown/Dorado

3) Pause Rules

A team may have no more than 6m of pauses across a bo3 series or 10m in a bo5 series.

If a player DCs during a map, a substitute may only be brought in at the start of the next map.

4) Substitutions

Substitutions may be made between maps, and can be nominated after the opposition or your own team has made the loser pick map choice.

5) Streaming Rules

All games will be streamed with a 3m delay.

Some games will be designated for streaming, and need to wait for the obs + casters to be ready in the lobby before starting the game. Not doing so may incur map or series penalties for a team trying to flout this rule or a reduction in prize money for a mutual infraction.

6) Spectators

Apart from approved streamers or admins, only team support staff may spectate the games, and only if BOTH teams allow it. Any staff must be locked to their respective teams.

7) Disputes

If the game is not a streamed game, the winning team should screenshot/record their map victories as proof in case of a dispute.

Any disputes not covered here will be dealt with at the discretion of the tournament admins.