Cheeseadelphia 6

Von N3rd Street Gamers
Three Stage Tournament tournament

Preliminary Groups - Bottom seeded players compete with overflow players to fight for seeds in the 64 player bracket

Group Stage One
Group Stage Two
Group Stage One and Two will be GSL Style Double Elimination Groups
Play Offs
Top 16 players will compete in a single elimination bracket
Single elimination
Best-of-5 Ro16
Best-of-5 Ro8
Best-of-5 Semifinals
Best-of-7 Finals

Players of all Leagues are eligible.

Players must play under an account that matches their best known name.

Players that compete in the WCS system must use the account that matches their name in the WCS system.

Administrators have final say in all matters.

Games will be recovered from replay. In a situation where the game is not recoverable for whatever reason the administrator will have finals say on whether or not to remake the game.

If a player wishes to make a complaint about a match, an admin is to be contacted immediately.

There are no restrictions on race switching.


Cheesadelphia uses the current map pool. As of 1/18/2018.

Play in the with the top seed will be the first to veto. The same player will also choose the map first.

All players must have their status set to "Busy" in the in-game client.

Players may chat, but all players have the right to ask their opponents to cease communication. Players that continue to chat after their opponents ask them to stop may be disqualified.

Players that type GG after the first minute of the game must leave immediately. Victories that occur after typing “GG” will not be counted.

Players must cooperate with official attempts to broadcast games. Broadcasted games must be red vs blue.

Watching or listening to the stream is prohibited.

Players may request a pause by typing”PP”. If players are unable to type “PP” due to technical reasons players must inform the admin as soon as possible.

Players are entitled to five minute breaks between series. Longer breaks may be granted at admins discretion.

If series go to game three players may request a 2 minute break.

Bugs and Fair Play

If a player is clearly allowing the opposite player to win, participating in "win-trading" both players will be disqualified with immediate effect.

No abuse of bugs in the game is allowed in any tournament match.

All forms of cheating and/or use of unauthorized third-party programs is strictly prohibited and will result in disqualification and removal from the tournament at the administrator’s discretion.