KEL Spring League 2018

KEL Spring League Season 1

Por Kingston's eSports League
Online, NA

Map pool:
Dust 2

-Matches played on PopFlash(I'm not buying a server, last time I did we just ended up using popflash half the time)
-Max MM rank/skill should be around DMG
-Stand-ins have to be one of the 8 registered players.
-Games are NOT streamed live but will be uploaded to my youtube channel
-No smurfs, if your account has 50 hours in cs with no other games with 0 steam level, your probably not going to be accepted
-Matches played on Friday 7-9EST or Saturday/Sunday 12-9EST if one team cant make it on the scheduled time but one team joins the popflash in the scheduled time they get a free win. I will be strict on when matches get played.
-You have to use my discord server(s) to avoid unfit players from playing

You play one team in 2 BO1s each weekend
A win adds 3 points to the standings
A draw adds 1 point to the standings
Maps chosen by alternating pick bans
Who bans first is determined by a coin toss
Sides are chosen by knife round
This will take 7 weeks
4 teams will move on to the playoffs

Playoffs are single elimination
Best of three
Team that pick bans first is chosen by a coin toss
Maps picked by each team banning a map, picking a map, then banning another map
Sides are chosen by knife round

Jump throw binds are allowed

Cheating will result in disqualification of player