Head HunterZ Valorant Cup

Head HunterZ 5v5 Valorant Lan Cup

Por Lan Shack Gaming Cafe
Lan Shack Gaming Cafe - Preet Vihar
Event Rules:

5v5 Standard Competitive Rules​

16 Teams will compete on the course of 2 days at Lan Shack Gaming Café

1.Playoff bracket will be Single Elimination
2.Playoff bracket matches will be Bo1
3.Grand Finale - (Bo3)

Player age should be at least 16 years old as per the standard Valorant tournament global rules.

1st Match will start sharp at 10 AM - competing teams should reach the venue

Head HunterZ Valorant Lan Cup is open to all players/teams/organizations from the Delhi/NCR region, that meet all the necessary participation criteria. Players must be at least 16 years of age by the time they play their first match in the competition.

The Organizer reserves the right to change the rules at any moment, request any documents that prove age and/or residence of any player/organization. Refusing to comply with the request and present the necessary documentation do so will lead to automatic DQ of the team.

The Organizer reserves the right to has the right to invalidate any registration from teams or players that do not meet the necessary competition criteria and consequently remove the team/player from the competition without need for previous notice.

Besides registration, players/teams must confirm their presence by communicating on Whatsapp & Email.

By signing up to compete, all teams and participants agree with the all rules and terms present on this document.


All games will be played on the games’ most recent patch for the ASIA region, with all Riot Games restrictions also in play. Matches will be played via Custom Mode with “Tournament Mode” and “Overtime: Win by Two” settings enabled. Teams on show on the top side of the match in the bracket will be responsible for creating the game lobby. Team captains must add each other in-game and invite all team members to the game.

The host will be responsible for making sure that all game settings are correct before starting the match. In the event of a match starting without the correct settings, the opposing team may opt to request the remake of the lobby or the default win.

Played servers will be Mumbai
Teams can agree to a server, otherwise and admin will decide based on the least average ping per team.

Any player or team can not broadcast/stream or share his match details to any platform available online. If found that team will be disqualified on the spot for violating tournament rules.

During group stage/playoffs teams can communicate on the official discord if they want.

HHC will have a 16 team limit. Qualifiers will be played in a Single Elimination best-of-one (Bo1) format and Grand finale (Bo3).

Teams will be seeded as follows:
match fixtures will be random as per Toornament random fixture feature, no changes will be done to any match or team, until and unless admin or management allows it after roster lockdown.

Seeding will be assigned according to the points ranking.
Higher seeds will get to pick their opposing team, one by one, with the final matchup being assigned automatically.

Map Pool :

Cheats are not allowed.
Teams will have access to two 60 seconds tactical timeouts for each game.
For any technical issues, both teams have up to 10 minutes of pause.

There will be an extra 15 minute delay time limit for all of the players to be ready to compete after the appointed time for matches. In the event of one or more players not being in the lobby or ready to play within the time limit, their team will be assigned a no-show and consequently a default win will be given to the opposing team. A game cannot start without all 10 players.
There will be no rescheduling and no postponement of any matches without the consent of all parties involved and the final consent of the Organizer.

Rulebook Modifications
The Organization reserves the right to alter the present rulebook at any moment in the event of necessity. Unawareness of the rules listed in this document does not serve as justification for non-compliance and application of the aforementioned.
Any instance not contemplated in this rulebook will be revised by the Organization and it will have full authority to deliberate and apply whatever changes deemed necessary within the principles of justice and sportsmanship.