FWG Overwatch Tournament

Por CSL (Cyber Sports League)
Online, Online


1. Stages Format
- Stage 1: 16 teams (best of 1, NOT streamed)
- Stage 2: Quarter finals (best of 1, streamed) - Semi finals (best of 1, streamed) - Grand final (best of 3, streamed)

2. Prize Pool Split
- The Prize pool of $4,000 will be awarded solely to the winner of the tournament (Winner takes all).

3. Roster
- A match will only start 6V6, any missing player will cause their team to forfeit.

4. Matches
- All participants must “check-in” on our Cyber Sports League Discord to conduct their map veto AT LEAST half an hour before scheduled match time.
- Matches cannot be postponed or played at any other time/date other than CSL specified date/times. (special exceptions may be made such as prayer time if a team contacts our admins a minimum of 24 hours before scheduled match time)
- Matches will be played between 19:00 to 01:00 GMT+4, specific match time will be provided after the end of the registration deadline.
- All matches played immediately if/when both teams have 6 players (full team)in the lobby. Lobby invites will be sent out to both team captains and each team will have a maximum of 15 minutes to join the lobby (incomplete teams will be disqualified).

5. Server
- All matches will be played on Bahrain server. Please keep in mind that latency issues players in certain regions may experience will be their own responsibility

6. Streaming
- As stated in the stages format: The first 8 matches of the tournament (16 teams) will not be streamed. The following matches (quarter-finals onwards) will all be streamed on Delli Gaming YouTube Channel.

7. Hardware/software/connection
- Each player is responsible for his/her own hardware/software/connection issues during matches. If a team cannot play due to any of these issues, it will count as a forfeit.

8. Pause
- Each team will be afforded a maximum of 3 minutes pause time in case a team member disconnects or players are experiencing technical issues. The spectator can also pause the game in special circumstances.

9. List of eligible countries
- Players should be residing in one of the following countries in order to participate in the tournament.

Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
United Arab Emirates

10. Game settings
- Game mode: Escort
- Matches will be played as per the following settings:

10.1 Rule Set
Rule Set: Competitive
10.2 Map Options
Map rotation: After a game
Map order: Single Map
Return to lobby: After a game
10.3 Maps
Map bans will include all selectable Escort maps
Disable all maps except for the map that is to be played. (played map is decided after the map bans conducted on discord)
10.4 Hero Options
Hero selection limit: 1 per team All heroes are currently allowed
Role selection limit: None
Allow Hero Switching: On
Respawn as random hero: Off
10.5 Heroes
All heroes are to be set as "on".
10.6 Gameplay Options
High Bandwidth: On
Control game mode format: Best of 5
Skirmish only: Off
Health modifier: 100%
Damage modifier: 100%
Healing modifier: 100%
Ultimate charge rate modifier: 100%
Respawn time modifier: 100%
Ability cooldown modifier: 100%
Disable skins: Off
Disable health bars: Off
Disable kill cam: On
Disable kill feed: Off
Headshots only: Off
10.7 Team Options
Team balancing: Off
When balancing occurs: After a mirror match

11. Map veto
- A coinflip will determine who bans/picks first. Coinflips will be conducted on our Discord.

12. Disqualification
- Failing to check-in on discord within the given timeframe can and will lead to the disqualification of the team. Check-in time on discord is 30 minutes before scheduled match time. Map bans must be completed 10 minutes before scheduled match time. Failing to do either of these things will result in a disqualification/forfeit

12.1. Illegal Actions
- Any player/team attempting to use cheats/exploits (aimbot, wallhack, multihack are some examples) will be disqualified from the tournament and banned from ALL future tournaments.
- Any player or team manager (agents included) that display unsportsmanlike behavior towards other players, CSL staff or even their own team members can be disqualified based on the CSL admin’s discretion.
- Any defamation on social media of the tournament or it’s organizers while the tournament is still on-going is subject to penalties.
- These rules serve as guidelines and the CSL Admin team have the right to disqualify any team/player depending on the situation.