WWE2K17 Championship

WWE2K17 Championship

Por D-Gamerz
Online, India
• Its better to practice with at least 2 superstars in case both the players choose same superstar.

• Players must have different PSN ID. 2 or more than players cannot share a single PSN ID for the tourney

Game Settings:
• Game Type: Normal
• Default Settings
• Default Superstars Only
• Momentum: Normal

• No Warm up matches
• No Abusive language/Messages. Not even a bit.
• Managers not allowed
• Entrances always OFF
• Custom Move-Sets

Finding Opponents:
• Find your respective opponent’s PSN ID from the fixtures.
• Go to Online
• Create a Private match
• Invite your opponent for the match.

Connection Issues:
• Lag: We understand, in India we gamers face one problem that is poor internet connection. If both the players can connect with each other, then the game has to be played, as there are no options left. So we suggest getting a good internet connection before participating in any of our Online Tournaments.
• Please make sure that your NAT type is Open or Moderate (1 or 2), as NAT type 3 or Strict (NAT) always makes it harder for other to join your session.
• If both the players cannot connect then contact our support team (we recommend via WhatsApp: 7064010813) or mail us: [email protected]
• If a player disconnects deliberately, then that player will lose the match.

• Download Toornament app
• Be a good sport and report the results immediately after the match.
• When a player reports the score, the opponent must confirm or counter the results within 15 minutes or the initial reported score will automatically be confirmed. This is to prevent sore losers from not reporting their score in the Toornament app.
• If there is a dispute, one must provide valid proof like (Screenshot or video urls) and the player found cheating will be banned for a long time.
• Players that are found to be reporting incorrect or incomplete scores, we will have their accounts reviewed and will result in ban from the tournament.

• We take match disputes very seriously and want to deliver the best possible experience for all our players.
• If a Player claims that his / her opponent has broken a rule in a match, evidence is required or the dispute claim will most likely not be considered valid.
• To avoid disputes, both the players must record the matches, and take snapshot of the matches.

• Players found fixing up a match will be banned.
• Player can change his superstar during the Tournament.
• Players can win via pinfalls, submission or count outs.
• Players must use signature or finishers before pinning or using submissions.
• If an opponent uses resiliency to kick out a pin immediately after a finisher or signature, then one can pin only once after that. No pin spamming.
• Countouts must be genuine, holding and dragging outside the ring is not allowed.

• Matches will start from 8:00 pm
• Players are given 30 minutes to complete and report their matches
• Participants who don’t show up, the matches will result in forfeit
• Matches must be played according to the schedule (please check the toornament app for this), as one delay will result in the delay of the complete tournament.

Apps to be Downloaded:
• Toornament
• PlayStation
• PlayStation Messages

• Mail: [email protected]
• WhatsApp: +91-7064010813 (Recommended)
• Call: +91-8596909070