Tunesquad Winter '20 Gunfight

PC, PlayStation 4, Xbox One
-team must register under one name (names must be acceptable and must not contain any vulgar words or slurs against race, religion etc)
-One player will be in charge of reporting to host (EJ)who their teammate is.
-both players must following EJ0024 on twitch ( )
-registration will go up until 2 hours before start of tournament

-Teams of two will enter playing another team in gunfight.
-Higher Seed will pick map first
-matches will be best out of three. Teams must win 2 matches to advance to the next round
-teams may be mixed platforms (i.e. one pc player and one xbox player may be in a team)
-if player disconnects, if teams come to an agreement teams can "redo" the match
- double elimination. If teams lose first round they will move into losers bracket. When players lose in losers' bracket they are out of the tournament.
-preferred: one player from team streams the match

+Game day:
-2/22 check in will be from 1pm-2:30pm PST
-tournament will start 3 PM PST
-If one of the players can stream, stream should promptly start at 3 PM PST