Pizza League Season 2

Online, Cyberspace

Matches will be set up as follows on the private match terminal:

- 10 minutes
- Best of 3
- Goal stops time: NO
- Respawn timer: 3
- Catapault timer: 12
- Between-rounds timer: 59 (maximum)


In the case of technical problems or crashes, each team can have up to 2 restarts. If the problem occurs in the middle of a point, the game proceeds until the next goal is scored and then the team presses the restart button once they respawn in their launch room. The other team must accept the restart (unless it is the team's 3rd or greater, in which case they must not accept).

=== SUBS ===

When teams are initially assigned, they will have only 4 members. But to assist with scheduling, there will be only loose restrictions on subsitutes.

Teams should not substitute players just to gain advantage or for strategic purposes. Subs are for when one of the main players is unable to play. As such, at least 2 players from the original roster must be on the team for any given match.

If a player becomes unable to play during a match, a sub can take their place, but this should not be used casually. Again, subs are to help with scheduling.

Subs can be anyone, even someone from another team.


Teams will be required to use the Pizza League discord voice channels. These channels have a user limit so that unwanted guests will not be able to join, but the Pizza League casters and admins WILL be able to join. This helps with coordination and direct communication with the players when crashes etc. happen.