Calculated Smash League S1

Por Mystik
Each match is a Best of 3.
Each Round in a Match is 3 Stocks, 7 minutes. No items. No smash bar.
Stages are to be set to Hazard's off. Miis are allowed.

Stage list is as follows:
Starter Stages:
Battlefield, Smashville, Pokemon Stadium 2, Final Destination and Lylat Cruise.

Counterpick Stages:
Unova Pokemon League, Castle Siege, Town and City, Yoshi's Story, Kalos Pokemon League, Yoshi's Island (Brawl)

Stage striking and bans will be included, along with DSR.

Full set of Rules can be found in the Discord.

Ruleset Setup on Switch:
3 Stock, 7 Minutes, all items off. Hazards off for stages. Map choice: Random (Players have to both pick the same stage. There is currently no better option :( )