Rulers of Erangel

Rulers of Erangel

Por PUBG Mobile India & Sikhwarrior
1. General
A. Game Every player must have a IGN/GAME ID to get entry in IGA teamlist, otherwise the player is not allowed to take part in any tournament. Team which uses a player without a registered Game ID/IGN will be disqualified from tournament.

B. Roster & Substitute player Team rosters must consist of minimum 4 players and maximum 5 players to participate in a cup. Teams are only allowed to play with players on their roster. All roster changes must be made prior to the start of the tournament. Playing with different players and /or illegal ringers will result in punishment.Keep in mind that the substitutes must have been on the team roaster before the tournament started.

C. Technical Issues : Team are responsible for their own technical issues(hardware/internet) Matches will not be rescheduled .If problems arise please open a match protest to the #protest channel
D. Discord
All team leaders must be in Discord! For other players it's optional.
Any leader who is not present at the time of the start will be disqualified.

E. Admins & Official streamers

Admins & Official streamers are always allowed to spectate any battle going in TOURNAMENT. The admins will provide passkey to the team leader

Here is a list of official ADMINS:
Student Ambassadors of PUBG Mobile

2.1 Tournament Setting
Match type: Squads
Mode: TPP
Map : Erangel

2.2. Tournament Game Platform
The tournament is currently being played on the ANDROID and no other Platform is allowed.
If anyone is caught using emulator, the team will be disqualified on spot.

3. Sign up
Every team must be signed up to play TOURNAMENT. Every team must have at least 4 players in team list and not more than 5 players. The Sign up form will be provided and the fields with * mark should be filled correctly for the rewards to be awarded.

3.1. Hosting
The lobby host is responsible for ensuring that all settings are correct. The lobby host is responsible for taking screenshot to provide as proof in the event of a setting dispute.
The host may take up to 5 minutes to set up the match between game with the correct settings

3.2 Lobby Setting
All the settings will be tournament settings and map will be Erangel

Game Mode: Tournament mode

3.3. Match Media

Screenshot of the on-screen results must be made of every game that is played.The screenshot must be uploaded onto our official channel as soon as possible after the game has ended.

3.4. Match Format
200 people will be playing in 2 Groups of 100 each which equals to 25 teams per group.
Top 10 teams from Group A & Top 10 teams from B will move forward to Match 3.
Top 3 teams will get the rewards.